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Health Insurance Plans For Diseases Related To Heart

Globally, there is a noticeable increase in the number of people suffering from heart diseases, irrespective of their age. According to WHO, cardiovascular diseases have become one of the top reasons for deaths globally, taking approximately 17.9 million lives per year. Generally, cardiovascular diseases happen due to heart and blood vessel's disorders, including raised blood pressure levels, glucose levels, etc. Key benefits of Health Insurance For Heart Patients:

  • In-patient treatment
  • Doctor/hospital for a second opinion covered
  • 96.43% Claim Settlement Ratio FY 19-20
  • Cashless hospitalization at 7200+ hospitals
  • No room rent restrictions on MediCare Premier/MediCare
  • Please refer policy wordings for inclusion/Exclusions/Waiting period

Health Insurance Plans For Diseases Related To Heart

Heart Insurance Overview

A few major reasons for this surge in the number of people with heart diseases are the changing eating habits, lifestyle, rising stress level, etc. Usually, the inactive lifestyle results in obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc., ultimately affecting heart health, may cause heart strokes, cardiac arrest, etc. Once people catch hold of such diseases after a thorough diagnosis, a considerable amount of money is required for the treatment. Therefore, it is essential to buy heart insurance or cardiac health insurance to fight such challenging situations and have readily available finances for the treatment.

Generally, acute heart diseases include myocardial infarction, refractory heart failure, cardiomyopathy, etc. To get cover for such conditions, it is essential to buy health insurance for heart disease to handle these emergencies in a better way. We also have health insurance for heart patients available, though, with a few conditions attached.

Health Insurance For Heart Patients

Health insurance for cardiac patients is also provided with additional benefits, provided you disclose the same at the time of application. Every time any critical illness emergency arises, it involves a considerable cost that is not easy to manage. One of the health insurance for heart patients should be chosen, which provides maximum coverage and has a lower waiting period. Find below a few benefits that are covered under an insurance policy for heart patient:

  • Pre and Post-Hospitalization Expenses

As these expenses are covered in other health insurance plans, they are also covered under health insurance for heart patients.

  • Annual Health Check-ups/Wellness Program

Under medical insurance for heart patients, an annual health check-up is also included to track the insured's lifestyle and dietary habits.

  • Domiciliary Hospitalization / OPD Treatment

The Domiciliary Hospitalization is also provided under insurance for heart patients, in case the patient is not in a state to be carried to the hospital or there is no vacant bed in the hospital, etc.

  • Coverage for In-hospitalization Expenses

These are the expenses that are incurred in the hospital. These are also reimbursed by the insurance provider, depending on the hospital where the treatment is being done. To apply for the claim under a heart insurance policy, you need to keep things in mind for a quick disbursal of the claim amount.


With the rising uncertainties, it is essential to take care of your health, maintain a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Most importantly, you should stay covered under a critical illness insurance plan to keep your finances safe throughout your life.

Also read - How to Cut the Costs of Health Insurance


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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Why to Buy Health Insurance Policy Online from InsuranceDekho

  • Tax benefit upto 75,000*
  • Claim support everyday 10AM-7PM
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