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Health Insurance for Travel Nurses: Health Coverage Options


Written by Kritika Singh

Updated Jul 25, 2024

Travel nursing is an exciting career option filled with a variety of experiences and opportunities, but it comes with its own challenges. With extensive travelling you are also required to maintain constant health coverage. Travel nurses are required to travel across states and borders, moving from one location to another with new contracts. This causes concern for travel nurses in terms of their health insurance coverage

This article will provide a thorough explanation of various health insurance options for travel nurses, benefits of having a health insurance while working and also explaining various health insurance plans to make an informed decision about their healthcare as they do with ours. 

What is Travel Nurse Health Insurance?

Travel nurse health insurance is a comprehensive health insurance plan that is provided to nurses who work on a contractual basis in different locations. It covers them with benefits such as medical, dental, emergency care, prescription medicines, etc. These plans vary depending on the insurance providers and nursing agencies for which they are currently working for. So make sure to read through the policies well beforehand to understand their coverage and add-on benefits options. 

Travel nurse health insurance is a full-service health insurance plan offered to nurses who work in different locations under contract with nursing agencies. They cover benefits including emergency medical attention, dental care, prescription drugs,etc. These plans change depending on the health insurance companies and nursing homes they currently work for. To fully understand the policies coverage and options for add-on or rider benefits, make sure to understand the policy documents and plan coverage.

Unique Health Insurance Needs of Travel Nurses

Travel nurses have specific health insurance needs because of their line of work, which makes them different from permanent nurses in hospitals. Let’s understand the factors why they are different from others:

  1. Personal Circumstances: Factors such as age, health status, family situation and financial goals all play a major role in determining the most suitable health insurance plan for them.
  2. Location Change: Travel nurses are required to work in different hospitals or healthcare facilities every 3 months or so. This complicates their insurance coverage, especially if they are required to move across borders and work in different countries.
  3. Assignment Gaps: There are certain periods of time when travel nurses are not employed and are left with no employer-provided insurance.
  4. Variety in Employer Benefits: Different travel insurance agencies offer different benefit packages personalised according to their company, and it includes a variety of health insurance options.
  5. Flexibility: Travel nurses require flexibility in their insurance coverage that offers them coverage across borders and healthcare systems

Health Insurance Options For Travel Nurses

Health Insurance for travel Nurses

Travel nurses have various options to choose from when it comes to health insurance:

1. Agency-Provided Insurance

Many travel nursing agencies provide health insurance as part of their benefits package, and these plans are personalised according to the nurse's specific needs and situations. This is convenient for them as the agency handles most of the paperwork and administrative work, saving you time and effort. Premiums are also often partially or fully covered by the agencies, which makes it an affordable option for them and also leads to savings.

However, there are certain drawbacks to it as the insurance is active only during their tours and assignments and does not cover the time period when they are not assigned any work. Benefits also vary with agencies hence, changing agencies might mean changes in their insurance coverage. This discontinuity in coverage and stability leaves you vulnerable during periods between jobs. 

2. Private Health Insurance Plans

Some travel nurses understand the importance of continuous health coverage for themselves. Hence, purchase directly from insurance companies or insurance aggregators such as InsuranceDekho. Nurses can choose plans according to their best fit or family needs. The coverage provided by these health insurance plans remains the same despite changing location or employment status. This provides peace of mind and continuous care that aligns perfectly with your individual needs and preferences.

Although there are multiple benefits of individual plans, they come with high premium costs without employer contributions. Also, choosing and managing a plan independently can be overwhelming at times. 

3. Health Savings Account (HSA) Along With High-Deductible Health Plan (HDHP)

This combination of a health savings account with a high deductible health plan is a wholesome package for travel nurses. HSA contributions are usually tax beneficial as they are tax deductible, grow tax-free, and can be withdrawn tax-free for medical expenses and give you financial advantages. The second most important benefit of this plan is that unused funds are transferred year to year and are accumulated for future healthcare needs or post-retirement. 

Since HSAs belong to you and cannot be tied to employers and it becomes quite costly on the pocket but is worth every penny. 

4. Professional Association Plan

Some nursing agencies are part of associations or communities and offer health insurance plans to their members through association membership. This acts as an excellent middle ground between agencies and private insurance providers. Since these plans are built for a group, the premium is also more budget-friendly than the individual plans. This is also another affordable option as it is personalised to the unique needs of nursing professionals and can be customised accordingly. There is no role of agencies in this as these plans have eligibility requirements in terms of membership fees. 

5. Partner’s Health Insurance

This can be an excellent option for married nurses. They can get their health coverage under the insurance provided by their partner’s employer. This will provide stability as its coverage won’t change with continuous location changes, and it is also budget-friendly. Employer plans also offer a variety of benefits with add-on benefits.

Benefits of Health Insurance For Travel Nurses

As travel nurses, you get the opportunity to not only travel to different places but help various communities. But it comes with its set of health risks. Hence, it is important that you are covered with good health insurance at all times. Let’s look at some of the benefits of having health insurance for travel nurses:

  • Access to Medical Care: Travel nurses work all over the country, and as long as they have the right insurance, they can get medical help whenever they need it.  There is no need to worry about hefty bills or finding network providers in new locations.
  • Personalised Coverage: Insurance companies know that travel nurses have unique needs. Hence, they customise the plans according to their requirements. These plans are more affordable than traditional insurance plans. It is designed in such a way as to include the mobile lifestyle of travel nurses and also includes the travel-specific benefits in it.
  • Financial Protection: Nurses know better than most people that medical emergencies can happen at any time. If you don't have the right insurance, these kinds of situations can cost you a lot of money. That's where health insurance comes in; it protects you by paying for most of your medical bills. It covers both your day to day plus emergency medical needs.
  • Peace of Mind: When you know that you are being protected at all times, you are relaxed and stress-free. This enhances your ability to focus more on your patients and improves your job performance. This also takes care of your mental health, which is one of the important requirements in the demanding field of nursing. 

What If Your Travel Nurse Health Insurance Doesn’t Cover Everything

If your health insurance plan does not provide services for certain medical diseases or procedures, then firstly you need to look for the gaps in your current plan and find out where the loopholes are. Then, apply for supplemental insurance to fill these gaps, such as dental insurance, vision coverage or critical health policies. 

You can also avail of services from telehealth providers for uncovered medical services. You can also negotiate with your personal health insurance providers for some extra customisation and get rider's and add-on benefits to make it very comprehensive. Remember to assess your health at intervals and be updated with healthcare policies and your insurance coverage to make sure you are covered throughout your travel nursing career. 


Choosing the right health insurance for travel nurses is an important and personal decision that depends on their individual situations and job requirements. So, take time to research each plan and thoroughly compare the options available to you. Don’t hesitate to ask questions and expect opinions. You can connect with insurance providers such as InsuranceDekho for their expert recommendations and visit their websites to compare options from multiple plans available. 

Remember that when you buy full health insurance, you are not only protecting your health, you are also investing in your career, getting peace of mind, and saving money for the future. Knowing that you and your patients are safe in the hands of trained nurses when you have the right insurance coverage lets you give the best care possible.


Written by Kritika Singh

Kritika Singh is a marketing professional with over 10 years of work experience in the field of insurtech, health, FMCG, renewables, and public policy. KrRead More


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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