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Gujarat Government to Control 195 More Medical Procedures

Gujarat government has recently disseminated the information about 195 more medical procedures brought under the government’s control. 1,805 procedures are already under the ambit of state and national health schemes controlled by central government. The purpose of bringing 195 more procedures is to control the medical bills of beneficiaries of health schemes.  

The procedures include emergency medicine, ENT, orthopaedics, plastic surgery, ophthalmology, gynaecology, and general surgery. 

Not only these, but cluster 21 of general medicine, 24 of pediatric medical management, 22 of mental disorder, 25 of neonatal packages and 5 procedures under gynaecology have also been brought under the government’s control. 

As per the government’s directions, permission from Chief District Medical Officer would be needed to release subsidy of Rs. 5 Lakh every year applied to patients under Gujarat’s MA scheme and Ayushman Bharat.  

The government has sent letters to insurance companies which have tie-ups with Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (PMJAY), and Mukhyamantri Amrutam Vatsalya Yojana (MA scheme) directing that it will now verify a few procedures under a few health categories in a stringent way before it is made available to the patients to use them at government or private hospitals enrolled under the scheme. 

On May 9th, the Additional Director of Health Services in Gujarat in letters sent out to Oriental Insurance Company and MD India Health Insurance stated that 1805 procedures along with hysterectomy would be controlled by the government. In addition to this, any requirement for knee replacement surgery must first be approved by CDHO for the procedure to be carried out at any hospital, public or private.

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