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GoDigit Joins Hands with Flipkart to Extend Coronavirus Cover in India

GoDigit General Insurance Company has partnered with Flipkart to extend coronavirus (COVID-19) health cover in India. The partnership has been made with a view to enabling health cover for people combating the novel coronavirus, the global pandemic. The partnership doesn’t require any pre-policy health checkup at the time of purchasing the policy. 

Understanding the need of the hour, this association of GoDigit and FlipKart allows Flipkart’s users to have a health insurance that gives an array of benefits, ranging from hospitalisation cover to easy claim process.  

'Digit Illness Group Insurance' provided by Digit Insurance enables consumers to get a hospitalisation cover up to  Rs.1 lakh sum insured with an annual premium of Rs. 511. The policy comes with no limit on ICU and room rent. It covers pre and post hospitalisation for up to 30 days and 60 days respectively. 

In addition to this, policyholders can also get 1% of the sum assured for ambulance services. They can also enjoy digital claim process. 

With the outbreak of COVID-19, insurance companies in India have ramped up the fight against the COVID-19 by launching new health insurance plans. Some of the companies are either providing customers with the coronavirus cover under their existing plans or introducing new dedicated policies to cover the global pandemic.

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