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Future Generali’s Insurance Products to be Sold at Big Bazaar, Easyday Stores

A renowned insurer in the private sector, Future Generali India is planning to become a partner with the Future Group to sell its insurance products at Big Bazaar and Easyday. Munish Sharda, Managing Director and CEO, Future Generali India Life Insurance (FGILI), said, “The partnership with Big Bazaar and Easyday will be like any corporate agency. They will have access to customer databases and they will sell to their customers in the store, either digitally or otherwise.” 

Future Generali is also making efforts towards simplifying the insurance products across the life and non-life divisions. To ease the purchase of products for the customers at the retail store, the insurer is coming up with new, easy to understand products. Munish Sharda said, “We are looking at the full life cycle of customers and the products he/she may need – health, protection, savings, equipment insurance, and home insurance. We are trying to sell the products in sachets and sell it at the stores across life- and non-life categories,”. The insurer will be providing new products and existing products after their re-packaging. Future Generali is said to be targeting a premium income of Rs. 1,200 Crore to Rs. 1,300 Crore in 2018-19.

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