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Future Generali Health Insurance Plans for Senior Citizens

Senior citizens are always more susceptible to health concerns and serious medical conditions. To get adequate treatment at the right time, it is crucial to have the proper financial backing. A health insurance policy such as the Varishta Bima plan from Future Generali Health Insurance Plan is perfect for this purpose. Take a look at why the plan entails.

Future Generali Health Insurance Plans for Senior Citizens

Eligibility Criteria for Varishta Bima Plan

The following are the eligibility criteria for anyone to purchase the Varishta Bima Plan from Future Generali Health Insurance.

Field Eligibility Criteria
Minimum Policy Term 1 year
Maximum Policy Term 3 years
Minimum Entry Age 60 years
Maximum Entry Age Lifelong
Maximum Renewal Age Lifelong
Family Cover Available Insured and their spouse

Benefits of the Varishta Bima Plan

The Varishta Bima Plan is one of the most comprehensive health insurance plans for senior citizens, especially because it can be renewed for them for a lifetime. There are other amazing benefits to this plan that makes it a great one. The following are some of the most important benefits that can help out all insured senior citizens.

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1. Floater Benefit

This plan has a floater benefit available where both the primary insured and their spouse can get insured together. There is even a discount offered when two or more family members are insured under the individual sum insured option. This way a single health insurance policy can protect older members together under a single and comprehensive health insurance policy. If the senior citizen has an already existing health insurance policy, they can bring it to Future Generali with their seamless portability facility.

2. Premium Payment Facilities

Under this policy from Future Generali Health Insurance, premium payment is a piece of cake. Depending on the convenience of the policyholder, premium payments can be made on a monthly, quarterly or even a half-yearly basis. There is even a 10% discount present if policyholders pay their premiums upfront in case they have a long-term plan.

3. Easy Renewal of Policy

Having a health insurance policy for a lifetime is important. Even if your policy gets over after a certain period of time, there is an easy renewal facility with the Varishta Bima plan. The renewal can be done by the policyholder for the entire life of the insured. Moreover, even if there are any negative experiences that the policyholder had to go through while making their claim, they do not have to pay any loading charge on their premium amount.

Covers Under Varishta Bima Health Insurance Policy

The following are two of the most useful covers that are available under the Varishta Bima Senior Citizen Health Insurance Policy. There are many others that are available too.

1. Inpatient Treatment Cover

With this cover, the insured’s hospitalization costs like room rent and nursing costs are paid for along with expenses incurred due to diagnostic tests, x-rays, medicines and more.

2. Pre and Post Hospitalization Cost

This policy also covers pre-and post-hospitalization costs that are incurred. This includes daycare costs as well. Moreover, additional charges like ambulance costs and check-up costs are covered as well.

Take Away

The Varishta Bima plan from Future Generali Health Insurance, for senior citizens, is a comprehensive and beneficial plan that caters to all possible needs for the elderly. Therefore, it is an affordable and wise choice of health insurance policy to make a purchase of.

Also Read: How Senior Citizens Can Save Taxes with Medical Bill Under Section 80D?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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