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For How Long Should A COVID-19 Patient Be Home Isolated?

A large portion of the population has been affected due to the coronavirus spread. Therefore, practically it has not been possible to admit a huge mass of the population in the hospitals and so, on the advice of the medical experts, some patients with mild symptoms have been instructed to stay at home and isolate themselves from others.

This way, the hospitals have been made accessible for severe and life-threatening conditions and also, patients with mild symptoms have been saved from getting seriously ill, as the coronavirus disease is contagious. 

For How Long Should A COVID-19 Patient Be Isolated?

The period of isolation for COVID-19 patients differs from case to case. Some people might show mild to moderate symptoms while others might be chronically affected. Let us see when does the isolation end, in different cases of coronavirus disease:

1. Mild to moderate cases

Usually, in such cases, coronavirus patients are advised to stay isolated from their family members and other common people, for a period of 14-17 days. 

However, it also depends on the presence of the symptoms and how long they last. Some people might recover completely in 10 days, while others might take more than 14 days, as the immune system differs from person to person. 

2. Severe and chronic cases

Some patients are immunocompromised and have pre-existing conditions like diabetes, lung diseases, etc., such people are at a larger risk of getting adversely attacked by the coronavirus.

In such cases, proper ICU facilitated hospitalization with 20-day isolation is provided, to make sure that the patient has recovered completely. This case is risky as many patients have less than required immunity.

3. Asymptomatic cases

A certain set of patients show little to no symptoms of the COVID-19 virus and are called asymptomatic. But, on undergoing the tests, they report positive results. These types of patients are isolated on medication for around 10-days. 

There are cases of people who report only mild fever and yet are COVID-19 positive, such individuals are isolated for 3-4 days as a precautionary.

In all the above cases, if the symptoms persist, the period of isolation can be extended, on the advice of the healthcare professional. Therefore, it is important that time to time tests and consultations are taken from the doctors, if possible, on-call, or in person. 

Can You Spread The COVID-19 Virus After The Isolation Period?

A load of pathogens and the virus will slowly decrease on your body, once the symptoms seem to go away. Therefore, after having recovered from the COVID-19 virus, you will not carry or spread any disease.

What To Do During The Isolation Period?  

There is a set of regulations and guidelines issued by the medical experts for the patients who are home quarantined or isolated. Some of the steps are:

  • Do not come in contact with any family member, as you might risk their lives.
  • Do not attend any public gatherings or functions and ceremonies.
  • Since there is a lack of data regarding COVID-19 spread among animals, therefore it is advised to avoid contact with pets.
  • Maintain a separate set of utensils and daily necessities to avoid the spread of the disease. Do not share anything with any other person in your family.
  • Take care of proper hygiene. Take a regular bath and maintain a tidy environment. Wash the sheets and clothes regularly. Use sanitizer for extra protection. 
  • It is common and evident to feel anxious and stressed out, once you’ve contracted the disease, but try and maintain some patience. You can read something that calms your mind or indulge yourself in an activity that gives you peace of mind, without spreading the disease.
  • Follow the protocols and regulations set by the authorities, without any negligence. Cooperate with the government and the healthcare experts, in areas of medication.
  • Always remember that this small act of isolation, though unbearable, will save many lives.


After recovering from COVID-19 disease, it is highly advisable to maintain the protocols issued by the government as the virus is contagious and there is a possibility of getting infected again. 

Wear masks when going out, do not touch unnecessary things, maintain social distancing, and use sanitizer. 

Also Read: Things to do if Tested Positive for Coronavirus

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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