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Features of Family Floater Health Plans

A family floater insurance policy allows many members of the same family to share a fixed level of coverage for a single premium payment. In the event that many family members become ill, the sum insured may be divided among them, and multiple claims may be submitted. Compared to purchasing separate plans for each family member, it ends up being less expensive. The majority of Indian health insurance providers offer family-wide coverage.

Features of Family Floater Health Plans

Why is it a Good Idea to Have a Family Health Insurance Plan?

Many factors make a family health insurance plan a wise decision. These are a few:

  • It is Less Expensive: Your chance of contracting a major disease rises daily. The majority of food has been tampered with, pollution is becoming worse, and even children are coping with stress. Getting reliable health insurance for your dependents is now a must, not an option. Family health insurance policies make it more affordable to protect your loved ones. You pay a single flat fee for a single plan that covers everyone rather than paying for several policies separately.
  • Doing it is Simple: Remembering to pay for many plans may be challenging and confusing. There could be a separate schedule for every policy. Some of them are available for monthly payments, while others are just due once a year. Keeping track of all of them while juggling work and other commitments may be challenging. This void is filled by a family plan, which also makes payment simpler and the procedure stress-free.
  • It Makes Adding New Family Members Simple: If you just had a child, you can include the newborn to your family plan. It's not necessary to purchase new insurance each time you have a child. In order for your parents and your spouse's parents to be covered under  the same insurance plan, you can add your in-laws to the floater plan.
  • Reductions and Additional Insurance: You may be eligible for advantages like maternity coverage or family discounts depending on how many members of your family there are and how old they are. Family bundles are a better option than single plans.

Features of Family Floater Health Insurance  Plans

Plans for family health insurance are carefully crafted to accommodate the requirements of each family. Here are some of the components of the policy:

  • A Hospital Stay Without Payment: Family plans provide for free hospital admission for all members. This provides a large amount of money while also easing a challenging and hectic scenario.
  • Maternity Insurance: Maternity riders are included in family insurance policies for expectant mothers. Parents are allowed to pay for fertility procedures under the policy. Additionally, the insurance covers delivery fees, C-sections, stopping pregnancies, etc.
  • Accident Insurance: A family health insurance plan includes an accident protection in the event of an accident. Additionally, it enables you to avoid paying the premium in the event of permanent disability.
  • Cover for Serious Illnesses: In the event of a critical sickness, payment is made as soon as the listed condition is discovered. To receive this money, you don't even need to present hospital invoices.

Why is it Crucial to Have Family Health Insurance?

In the healthcare sector, prices have significantly increased. Due to rising costs and increasing consumer demand, it has become nearly hard to pay for medical care, hospital stays, and medications in today's society. The current state of affairs has also demonstrated that anyone can have a medical emergency at any time. 

This is why having health insurance is so crucial. It safeguards your young children and ageing parents while providing you and your spouse with the cash you require during difficult times. To determine the amount that will cover your entire family and offer you peace of mind that, in the event of a medical emergency, your loved ones would be financially secure, utilise a family health insurance premium calculator.


A family's health insurance plan is quite reasonable and simple to administer if you compare health insurance policies in India. It takes care of your concerns, provides the finest advantages for your entire family, and gives you peace of mind so you may live your life zealously and stress-free. The time to purchase family health insurance is now, so make sure you do it quickly.

Also Read: Benefits of Having a Large Number of Network Hospitals


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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