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Features of Domiciliary Treatment

"Domiciliary" means something that happens at or has to do with a person's home. As the name suggests, domiciliary hospitalisation is when a person is considered to be in the hospital even though they are getting medical care at home.

Features of Domiciliary Treatment

What Does Domiciliary Hospitalisation Mean?

It can be hard to figure out what domiciliary hospitalisation means. It means that a health insurance policy will pay for a patient's medical bills even if they are not admitted to a hospital. Instead, the patient's home is where the treatment takes place. In this case, the word "hospitalisation" means that the patient's home is set up like a hospital so that they can get the best medical care for their disease, illness, or injury.

It's important to remember that a clause like this might only apply if:

  • Select policies
  • Being given permission by a doctor
  • There are certain reasons why the patient can't be taken to a hospital or other care centre.
  • Purpose of a domiciliary hospitalisation facility

Not many people need to get treatment at home, so not all health insurance plans include a "domiciliary cover." Also, since a domestic insurance policy is an extra benefit on top of your basic health insurance, it does cost more. When deciding to use one, it's important to remember that it helps people get treatment at home when they can't move around or there aren't enough hospital beds.

Features of Domiciliary Treatment

The cost of living at home is paid for only when:

  • The person with the injury, accident, or disease must get treatment.
  • The injured people can't be taken to the hospital because of how bad they are.
  • The policyholders have to stay at home because there aren't enough beds at the hospital.
  • The treatment at home must be done for at least 3 days.

Exclusions Under Domiciliary Treatment

The following costs are not covered by the policyholders' coverage for hospitalisation at home:

  • Costs incurred before and after a hospital stay are not covered.
  • This insurance doesn't pay for treatments that last less than 3 days.
  • Some illnesses and treatments, like asthma, epilepsy, diabetes, and so on, are not covered by domiciliary expenses. You can find a full list of these diseases in the documents for the health insurance plan you bought.

Things to Consider when Judging the Domiciliary Hospitalisation Benefit

Most of the time, there is a delay between filing a claim for hospitalisation at home and getting reimbursed for home health care costs. 

Before you choose a health insurance plan, you should carefully read over its terms and make notes of important things like:

  • The amount covered by your health insurance for hospitalisation at home as part of the total amount covered;
  • How you can get the benefit of hospitalisation at home, and what you need to do to meet those conditions;
  • How long you have to wait to be hospitalised at home for certain medical conditions and diseases;
  • What your health insurance plan covers and what it doesn't cover in general, and what it covers and doesn't cover for hospitalisation at home in particular;
  • Any one or more of allopathic, homoeopathic, and ayurvedic treatments are examples of treatments that can be used as a reason for home hospitalisation.
  • The extra cost and the length of time that your health insurance plan covers hospitalisation at home;
  • Your health insurance company's specific requirements for documents and information, such as your medical history and prescriptions from your doctor, as needed;
  • How a claim for hospitalisation at home works, including how long it takes and what documents are needed.


Home hospitalisation is a good feature that you should think about when choosing a health insurance plan. Since the future is hard to predict and medical emergencies often happen when you least expect them, having this coverage could be helpful in an emergency. But it's important to think about your health insurance needs and do a lot of research before choosing a good plan for yourself.

Also Read: Tips To Take Care Of Your Health In Winters


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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