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Factors To Keep In Mind When Buying Individual Health Insurance Plans

Health insurance plans cover the expenses of the medical treatments that may be required in case of an emergency hospitalization. In the time of the spread of the global pandemic, the need for financial aid has increased and it has come to the realisation of the people that they must invest in a suitable health insurance plan for themselves and their loved ones. Health insurance plans not only provide monetary support but also ensure quality treatment at the network hospital of the health insurance provider. Therefore, before investing in a health insurance policy you must carefully analyze your requirements and then accordingly invest a certain amount of money based on your financial budget.

There are various types of health insurance plans in the insurance market, out of which some prominent ones are individual health insurance covers, family floater plans, senior citizen plans, maternity benefit plans, and much more. Individual health insurance policies provide comprehensive and affordable coverage to a single individual and it can be customized by the policyholders according to their needs. Individual plans offer a wide range of claim amounts and perks to a single policyholder which provides an all round coverage to the policyholder at time of a medical emergency.

Factors To Keep In Mind When Buying Individual Health Insurance Plans

Factors To Keep In Mind When Buying Individual Health Insurance Plans

Following are some of the prominent points which must be considered while investing in an individual health insurance policy:

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1. Look After The Age Limit

There are limits on the age eligibility on the health insurance policies that are available in the insurance market. The minimum age being 91 days and the maximum age limit is 60 years for regular health insurance plans. Therefore, you must check the age criteria under the eligibility section before buying a health insurance cover.

2. Check The Waiting Period Terms

Each and every health insurance plan comes with a minimum or maximum waiting period which is often prespecified by the insurer at the time of the purchase of a health insurance plan. Therefore, before investing in a plan you must be aware of the waiting period of certain medical conditions to avoid any inconveniences at the time of the claim settlement process.

3. Look For Preventive Healthcare Check-Up Covers

Some insurance providers offer free and complementary health checkups for the prevention of diseases at regular intervals of time. Such facilities can enhance your existing health insurance plan at an affordable price. Therefore, you must invest in a plan that includes such extra rewards for you and your loved ones. Terms and conditions apply on the rewards and discounts that are offered by the insurer, therefore, you must carefully go through them.

4. Get Sufficient Claim Amount

The claim amount under an individual health insurance plan can be customized by the policyholder according to their financial budget, and other important factors. When buying a health insurance plan, make sure that the claim amount is neither too low nor too high, but just sufficient to meet your medical requirements at the time of a medical emergency.

5. Consider Network Hospitals

Cashless claim benefits are prominently available these days as under this perk, the policyholders can avail cashless claims at the linked hospitals of an insurance provider. Under the cashless claims, the insurer directly clears the medical dues of the policyholders with the hospital without involving the policyholder, thus making the claim settlement process smooth and hassle free. You must be aware of the nearby network hospitals of your health insurance provider to seek treatment at the time of an emergency.


It is important that you analyze your requirements before investing money in a certain health insurance policy in the insurance market. Based on the above-mentioned factors, you can make a wise choice and get a suitable individual health insurance plan. You must carefully read the fine print of the policy to avoid any confusion and understand your policy better.

Also Read: Factors To Keep In Mind When Buying Children Health Insurance Plans

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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