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Factors To Keep In Mind When Buying Family Floater Health Insurance Plans

Health insurance providers have been enhancing their features and plans to facilitate the buying of health insurance policy for the policyholders. Health insurance plans provide financial backup to the individuals in case of a medical emergency, thus enabling the policyholders to receive quality treatment in private hospitals without worrying about the monetary constraints. Health insurance plans compensate for pre and post hospitalization expenses, along with the ambulance charges, room rents, medication costs, domiciliary expenses, and much more. Having a health insurance plan is the growing need of the hour, as it helps the people in overcoming the high costs of treatments incurred during hospitalization in private hospitals.

Family floater health insurance plans are a certain category of health insurance plans which offer health insurance coverage and benefits to the entire family of an individual under the single plan. Family floater plans provide a wide range of benefits and a high amount of sum assured which is equally distributed among the members of the family insured under the plan. People with a medical history or pre-existing disease must invest in a separate health insurance plan, as their treatment can cost a lot higher than what is insured.

Factors To Keep In Mind When Buying Family Floater Health Insurance Plans

About Family Floater Health Insurance Plans

A family health insurance policy covers multiple members of a family under a single plan, thus simplifying the process of buying a health insurance policy for the policyholders and their loved ones. The premium rate and claim amount under this plan is distributed equally among all the members of the family insured under the plan. This plan is extensive and affordable as the premium is negotiable and within the average financial budget of the people. Under a family floater plan, you can include yourself, along with your spouse, children, and dependent parents. When buying a family floater plan, you must go for a plan with a higher claim amount to get enough monetary aid for all the members. Let us look at some of the key features and benefits of a family floater health insurance plan:

Must Read: Who Should Buy A Family Floater Health Insurance Policy?

  • It provides stress free treatments to all the members of the family without worrying about the monetary constraints.
  • Family discounts, additional rewards, etc. are offered on every new addition within the family floater plan.
  • The premium rate is divided among all the members insured within the cover, which makes it more cost-effective than the other health insurance plans in the market.
  • COVID-19 specific coverage is also offered to the individuals under this policy.
  • Tax saving benefits are available for the policyholders who are also taxpayers.

Factors To Keep In Mind When Buying Family Floater Health Insurance Plans

There are certain prominent factors which must be considered while buying a family floater health insurance plan, as it helps the people in getting a suitable policy for themselves and their loved ones. You must always analyze your requirements before investing in a certain health insurance plan. Let us look at some of the key points that are to be considered while purchasing a family floater health insurance plan:

  • Consider The Inclusions

You must carefully go through the inclusions of your health insurance policy to make sure that all your demands have been met by the health insurance provider.

  • Check The Waiting Period

Waiting period of a health insurance plan must be carefully considered to avoid any inconvenience at the time of the claim settlement process. The waiting period varies from one medical condition to the other and hence, the policyholders must keep a track.

  • Consider The Exclusions

Exclusions are the conditions which are not covered under a health insurance policy. Therefore, you must carefully read the policy exclusions to avoid any confusion at the time of the claiming process.

  • Check The Claim Settlement Ratio

Before buying a family floater plan from a certain health insurance provider, it is wise to consider their claim settlement ratios as it determines their capability to sort the claims of the policyholders on time.


You must carefully follow the above mentioned factors while buying a family floater plan for yourself and your loved ones, as it can help you in getting the best plan that is available in the insurance market. You must invest in a plan that is comprehensive and within your financial budget.

Also Read: Individual Health Insurance vs Family Floater Plan: Which One to Buy?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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