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Experts Warn Next Covid-19 Wave in Delhi As Positivity Rate Increases

Experts have raised red flags of a resurgence of the next Covid-19 wave in the national capital Delhi as cases continue to rise. It must be noted that on Sunday, the city saw 823 new cases from 79,714 tests, thereby taking the positivity rate to 1.03% from 0.93%. 

In January 2021, a total of 20,82,596 tests were conducted, out of which 9,737 were positive, with the monthly positivity rate recorded as 0.46%. For the month of February, authorities conducted 15,75,951 tests, out of which 4,074 (0.25%) people tested positive. As of now, 13,60,064 people have been tested out of which 7,872 have been found positive for coronavirus. 

Experts believe that identification of the age group of people being recently infected is very important. Professor Lalit Kant, former head of the department of epidemiology at ICMR stated that if young people are getting infected then there are chances of a big wave coming. He further highlighted that as of now, people above 60 years of age with pre-existing illness and those below 60 years with co-morbidities were mostly getting infected with coronavirus. If the disease is moving to the young generation, quick action is required.

The surge in daily novel coronavirus cases in Delhi had been reported along with reports of sudden spike observed in other states such as Maharashtra, Kerala, and Punjab. While few states are considering lockdown, Delhi is yet to plan a lockdown. According to senior government officials,  lockdown is a big move but the Indian government should implement hefty fines or warn people for not following Covid-appropriate behaviour.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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