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Double Mutant Covid-19 Variant Found in India

A new "double mutant" variant of the novel coronavirus has been found from samples collected in India. As of now, the officials are checking the variant. Also, if the virus has two mutations together, would it be more infectious or less affected by Covid-19 vaccines. It must be noted that around 10,787 samples from 18 Indian states also shed light on 771 cases of known variants, out of which 736 are the UK variant, 34 of the South African variant and one Brazilian variant. However, officials believe that variants are not related to the spike in cases in the country.

On Wednesday, India reported 47,262 cases of the coronavirus disease. This is the sharpest daily rise in 2021.

According to experts, mutations in viruses are common, however many are insignificant and do not cause any change in its ability to transmit or cause serious infection. The same cannot be said for some mutations such as the UK or South Africa variant lineages, as they can make the virus more infectious and even deadlier in some cases.

As per Virologist Shahid Jameel, a double mutation in prime areas of the virus's spike protein may lead to an increase in these risks and allow the coronavirus to escape the immune system.

According to the Indian government, the evaluation of the samples collected from India's western Maharashtra state highlighted an increase in the fraction of samples with the E484Q and L452R mutations as compared to December 2020. As per a statement by the Health Ministry, double mutations like such grant immune escape and enhanced infectivity.

Dr. Shahid Jameel also added that there may be a different lineage of novel coronavirus developing in India with the L452R and E484Q mutations coming together.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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