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Does The Vaccine Stop You From Getting COVID-19?

The COVID-19 vaccination drive is ongoing in India and is currently one of the biggest ones in the world. There are three vaccines that are available to the public via various government vaccination centers as well as private facilities. The three vaccines include the Covaxin by Bharat Biotech, the Covishield by Serum Institute of India, and the Sputnik V that is being distributed by Dr Reddy's Lab. 

Anyone who wishes to be vaccinated needs to be registered on the official government portals like CoWIN and the Aarogya Setu app. It is not possible to choose which vaccine one will receive. All of them are required to be administered in two doses. 

Does The Vaccine Stop You from Getting COVID-19?

Although the vaccines are quite effective, they do not provide you with complete protection against COVID-19. This is why it is important to keep taking precautions like wearing masks and sanitising even after you take the vaccine, especially after your first dose. It takes almost fifteen days after each dose for the antibodies to develop in one’s body. It is advisable to take utmost care after the first fifteen days of your first dose. However, it is not enough to get only the first dose of any of the vaccines. You must take the second dose for a more robust immunological response. 

Once the vaccination process is complete, there are some rules that may be relaxed like social distancing among close members of a family or community. The time between the two doses is up to The COVID-19 vaccine significantly reduces the severity of infection and chances of death. It also reduces the transmissibility of the coronavirus which helps keep those around you safer. This is why it is especially important that elderly people and those with comorbidities take the vaccine as soon as possible. 

Are There Side Effects to the COVID-19 Vaccine?

There are some common side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine which is normal and indicates that the vaccine is triggering an immunological response. These include mild fever, nausea, malaise, headaches and vomiting. It is also common for the vaccination arm to feel numb or stiff. Redness around the vaccination spot, its swelling or slight pain is also not a cause for worry.

However, if anything causes you severe discomfort, you must immediately contact your doctor. It is better to take remote consultation as long as possible to avoid contracting COVID-19 from others. There are also helplines that are available and you must take note of them. If your fever persists, or there is prolonged shortness of breath, make sure to monitor your oxygen saturation levels. There have not been any reports of severe side effects from the COVID-19 till now.


The vaccine is an important step towards combating the COVID-19 pandemic. It is important that everyone gets vaccinated as soon as possible. Although it might not provide 100% protection, all the vaccines have considerable success rates. They are available for free at government facilities and at a price for private facilities. Since it is now available for almost all age groups, it is crucial to get vaccinated. However, since infection rates are still quite high, you must not take chances and take all the necessary precautions.

Also Read: Who Should Be Prioritized For COVID-19 Vaccination?

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Guide To COVID-19 Vaccination - All Questions Answered

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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