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Does Health Insurance Cover Preventive Health Check-Ups?

A regular health insurance plan comes packed with a set of benefits and features that are provided to the policyholders at an affordable price. Some of the common features being pre and post hospitalization expenses, domiciliary costs, room rents, ambulance charges, medication costs, inpatient costs, daycare procedures, and much more. Apart from these features, it also offers accumulated rewards and discounts like complementary health care checkups, no claim bonus, tax saving perks, etc. which depend on the health insurance provider. You can understand more about your inclusions in the health insurance policy by carefully going through the policy terms and conditions.

Preventive health care checkups are one of the features that are commonly included under the health insurance plans as it aims to recognize the early signs of a developing disease and then help the policyholders in preventing it. Regular medical checkups help the people in leading a healthy life without any worries. With the growing importance of health care checkups, the health insurance providers have started to roll out preventive healthcare checkups as a complementary feature. While, other insurers offer cost-effective compensation for the same. Either way it helps the policyholders in understanding the importance of a healthy lifestyle and alerts them in case of an unhealthy approach.

Does Health Insurance Cover Preventive Health Check-Ups?

About Preventive Health Checkups

Preventive medical check ups aim to identify and minimize the risk of contracting a disease. It helps the people to recognize an underlying developing disorder on time and then undergo the required treatment, if necessary. It promotes a healthy lifestyle among the people by making them aware of their routine health. This preventive care method helps the policyholders in leading a healthy life without the risk of getting vulnerable to any last stage critical illness.

Does Health Insurance Cover Preventive Health Check-Ups?

Almost all the health insurance providers include preventive healthcare check ups under their health insurance plans for the policyholders. Some insurers offer it as a complementary feature while others include it under the plan at an affordable price. Some health insurance providers offer free preventive health checkups in regular time intervals. This has become an important inclusion as it helps the people to avoid the upcoming medical risks and vulnerabilities. Such plans also include the cost of tests like the regular blood, BP, sugar tests, and more under the cover.

Benefits of Preventive Health Care Checkups

Let us look at some of the prominent benefits of availing preventive health checkups under your health insurance plans:

  • It offers reliable and valuable education or awareness regarding your health.
  • It assesses your vulnerability to contract a disease.
  • It regularly monitors your health and helps you in keeping a track of the same.
  • Increases the chance of receiving on time treatment and recovering, in case of a critical disease.
  • Early detection of a potentially life-threatening medical disorder.

Common Preventive Health Checkup Packages

There are certain preventive healthcare check ups that are available in the insurance market and they differ on the basis of age, gender, disease, etc. of the policyholder. Let us look at some of the packages that can be availed by the policyholders:

  • Family Floater Package

Under this, the entire family of a policyholder can enjoy full body checkups, tests, etc. with the flexibility to customize their plans.

  • Cardiac Package

This package deals with the risk of strokes and heart attacks. It offers medical consultations regarding cardiovascular diseases.

  • Diabetes Package

This package conducts diabetes related checkups and offers the consultation regarding the same. It helps the policyholder in avoiding complications and identifying diabetes and its effects on the vital organs.


You can get detailed information regarding the inclusion of your preventive healthcare check ups under your health insurance plans in the fine print of your policy papers. You must always look for the inclusions within your plan to avoid confusion at the time of the claim settlement process.

Also Read: Got A Preventive Health Check-Up? Don't Forget To Claim A Tax Deduction

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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