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Difference Between Real & Fake COVID-19 Vaccine

More and more COVID-19 vaccines are being made available every day in India. With everyone above the age of 18 being eligible for the vaccine, the demand has also risen. Unfortunately, this has also given rise to the possibilities of fake vaccines being administered. The demand for COVID-19 vaccines is undoubtedly huge and it has been a struggle to keep up with it. This kind of imbalance is a breeding ground for counterfeit products.

Difference Between Real & Fake COVID-19 Vaccine

Difference Between Real and Fake COVID-19 Vaccine

The COVID-19 vaccine has no such distinctive features that can make it instantly recognisable. It is a clear liquid that comes in a vial much like any other vaccine. Therefore, even if it was simply a clear fluid or vitamin shot, it would not be very distinguishable. This is why it is necessary for everyone to be alert.
Always make sure that you get vaccinated from a trusted government facility like hospitals or community centres or a private hospital. It might seem tempting to get the vaccine from any place that is offering it, but it is important to stay cautious. Since you might not be able to distinguish, it is better to take it from a trusted organisation.

Where are the Real COVID-19 Vaccines Available?

Currently in India, the COVID-19 vaccines are available at government hospitals and other facilities like community centres and at private hospitals. It is available for free at government facilities and at a price at private hospitals. At present, two vaccines are being given out, the Covaxin from Bharat Biotech and the Covishield from Serum Institute of India. You will have to register beforehand to get any of the two vaccines and will not be able to choose which one, as of now.

Where To Register for the Real COVID-19 Vaccine?

Make sure to register at the authentic channels to get the real vaccine. A trusted and approved process has been set up and it is crucial you follow it to get the vaccine. You will require a total of two doses to complete your vaccination. You can register either on the CoWIN portal or the Arogya Setu app to get a slot for vaccination.
Here is how you can book a vaccination slot from the CoWIN portal:

  • Go to the CoWIN portal ( and check the availability of the vaccine by your pin code or your district.
  • Click on the “Register/Sign In Yourself” tab to register to the portal.
  • Enter a valid phone number and register using the OTP that will arrive on the number.
  • Once you reach the “Register for Vaccination” page, enter the relevant details. This includes the photo ID you will like to provide, name, age, gender, and phone number.
  • After submitting, click on “Register”. You will also receive a confirmation message on your registered mobile number.
  • Once the registration is complete, you can log in anytime to schedule an appointment. On providing the date of your choice, you will be shown the available vaccination centres near you that have empty slots. Once you choose, you will be given time to go and get your vaccination.

Must Read: Which COVID-19 Vaccine Is The Best?

Documents You Need Before Going For COVID-19 Vaccination

Take Away

At times of crisis, it becomes crucial to stay alert. The vaccine is an important step in combating the coronavirus so make sure you and your loved ones get it as soon as possible. Avoid getting swayed by random promises of the vaccine as they might be fake vaccines. Only get vaccinated at registered centers via the official vaccine registration channels.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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