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Delta Plus Has More Affinity Than Lung Tissues As Compared to Other COVID-19 Strains: NTAGI Chief

The National Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation in India (NTAGI) head yesterday said that the Delta Plus variant of COVID-19 has a greater affinity to lung tissues as compared to other strains of the virus. However, Dr. NK Arora says that it does not mean that it will cause severe disease or is more transmissible. 

Delta Plus is a new variant of the coronavirus, which was identified on June 11 and has recently been classified as the ‘variant of concern’ by the Union Health Ministry. 

As per Dr. Arora, the Delta Plus variant has a greater affinity to the mucosal lining in the lungs, which is higher as compared to other variants, but it is not clear if it causes damage or not. He says that the impact of the strain will become clear only when more cases get identified. The effects of the disease are mild in people who have been vaccinated either with a single shot or both the shots, he added. Also, it is difficult to assess right now if it can lead to the third wave of the coronavirus or not. 

The doctor said that we are required to keep a very close watch and look at the spread of the disease so as to get transmission efficiency. He also pointed attention towards the asymptomatic cases, where the infected individual may not be facing any symptoms but is carrying the virus as well as spreading the same.   

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He pointed to the importance of the genomic surveillance component which has picked it up rightly and early enough. This is because now the states already know that the variant is of concern and requires action, as a result of which states have started making micro plans for areas where the virus has been identified. One of the measures being an increase in the number of vaccinations in these districts.  

Till now, around 12 states have detected nearly 51 cases of Delta Plus in India, with the maximum number of cases being reported by Maharashtra.   

Read More: 

Why is Delta Plus Variant Concerning?

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard. 

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