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Decision on Maharashtra Covid-19 Lockdown To Come After April 14: State Health Minister

Maharashtra Health Minister Rajesh Tope has said that the State Government will take the final decision regarding imposing a Covid-19 lockdown after April 14. Maharashtra Chief Minister Uddhav Thackeray will host a meeting today to discuss the Covid-19 situation in the state. According to the cabinet minister Aslam Sheikh, lockdown will be one of the major highlights as standard operating procedures (SOPs) as well as guidelines for lockdown will be discussed. It must be noted that during a Covid-19 task force meeting on Sunday, the concept of imposing a lockdown was agreed upon by all the stakeholders. Blocking the virus chain by imposition of a lockdown in the state was the key element discussed in the meeting. 

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Sheikh informed that while some of the stakeholders in the meeting were in favor of a 2 week lockdown, some were of the view that the coronavirus lockdown must be of 3 weeks, however at least 8 days lockdown should be imposed. He further stated that stakeholders believe that if lockdown is imposed, the results must come.

It must be noted that Maharashtra is the worst novel coronavirus affected state in India that has been facing a record number of Covid-19 on a daily basis. On Sunday, Maharashtra recorded its highest one-day spike with 63,294 new cases. In fact, the state has been witnessing more than 40,000 cases on a daily basis since the beginning of April. In just 11 days of the month, Maharashtra has recorded more than half-a-million coronavirus cases. 

In a move to tackle the rising cases, the state government has already imposed a strict weekend lockdown from Friday night till 7am on Monday. The restrictions will continue so Maharashtra residents can expect non-essential shops and services to remain shut. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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