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Deadly Fungal Infection Cases Increase Among Covid-19 Patients in India

Doctors have reported a significant rise in cases of Mucormycosis, a rare black fungal infection among coronavirus patients in India. While there may not be any study present depicting the connection between Covid-19 to the fungal infection, many doctors have observed that recent mucormycosis cases are being found in people who have recovered from coronavirus and who have high blood sugar levels. 

It must be noted that the life-threatening infection often is found in people having weak immune systems. However, mucormycosis is not contagious, which means it does not spread from person to person. The early symptoms of the deadly fungal infection include  swelling in the eye or cheeks, obstruction in the nose, black dry crusts in the nose, cold, fever, etc. 

According to the experts, the infection is quite aggressive and can spread faster than cancer. Additionally, in about 15 days, the deadly fungal infection can spread from mouth to eyes and to the brain, within a month’s time. 

Dr. Sonal Anchlia, Professor and Head of the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery at the Govt Dental College and Hospital, Ahmedabad, informed that before the coronavirus pandemic, there was only one such case in a month. Over the last few months, the count has increased to two-three cases a day.

It must be noted that from Gujarat to Madurai, a significant rise in mucormycosis cases has been reported in India. In December, 2020 about 13 cases were reported in Delhi’s Sri Ganga Ram Hospital, where patients were reported to have experienced lost eyesight, removal of nose and jaw bone. 

Dr. Sonal recommended checking blood sugar levels and keeping them in control. Regular visit to the dentists is also one of the measures she advised to take. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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