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CoviSelf: India’s First Self-test Kit for COVID-19

The Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) has granted approval to CoviSelf, the self-use Rapid Antigen Test for COVID-19. The kit has been developed in India by Mylab Discovery Solutions. 

According to the ICMR guidelines, people who are symptomatic and immediate contacts of confirmed COVID-19 cases can use the self-use test. As per an official statement, people using CoviSelf will not be required to get their sample collected by a healthcare professional for coronavirus test purposes. ICMR has recommended all symptomatic individuals who test negative by RAT to get immediately tested by RT-PCR. 

Each CoviSelf self-test kit will include all testing materials, instructions to use (IFU) leaflet, and a biohazard bag for safe disposal after test. It must be noted that the CoviSelf kit is designed to be done using a nasal swab. Moreover, CoviSelf will provide results in 15 minutes. The self-test kit is priced at Rs. 250. Mylab Discovery Solutions is expected to start shipping out test kits within a few days.

Hasmukh Rawal, Managing Director, Mylab Discovery Solutions reportedly stated that CoviSelf will help in saving lives. Moreover, that the company will make millions of kits available in the country at a fraction of the cost of kits like such being used in the U.S.

As per Sujit Jain, Director, Mylab Discovery Solutions, CoviSelf combines with Mylab’s AI-powered mobile app so that people can know their positive status, submit the result to ICMR directly for traceability, and know what to do next in either case of result. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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