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COVID-19: What To Do and What to Eat Post COVID-19 Vaccination?

Many people have their friends as the go-to people to know what to do and what to expect after getting COVID-19 vaccine shots. While others have screenshots of influencers saved in their phones that answer all types of questions on how it feels after getting jabbed. And many may have made mental notes of how they would be dealing after getting their dose. 

While getting vaccinated is certainly good news, you must completely be aware of what it could bring along and how to deal with it in the best manner. This article consists of the things that you should be prepared for after getting vaccinated. Read along.

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The first thing that you should be aware of after taking the COVID-19 vaccine shot is that you might experience side-effects and it is completely normal and expected. Side effects are proof that your body is building immune protection. You may experience the following side-effects: 

  • Pain, swelling and redness in the arm on which you got the jab
  • Chills or mild fever 
  • Headaches
  • Tiredness
  • Joint or muscle pain

But note that the side effects go away within a few days. 

COVID-19: What To Do and What to Eat Post COVID-19 Vaccination?

What To Do In Case You Are Not Feeling Well After COVID-19 Vaccination Shot?

In case you do not feel well after getting vaccinated, here is what you can do: 

  1. Drink enough fluids. It is helpful in case you feel feverish, experience muscle pain, swelling, redness, pain, etc. 
  2. You can take some paracetamol as it will help ease any sensation. Make sure to take the dose as per the instructions of the pharmacist or the provider.   

In case the symptoms are more severe, then you must tell the health worker who vaccinated you. 

Foods To Eat After COVID-19 Vaccination 

Following are the things that you should eat after COVID-19 vaccination: 

  • Chicken: Chicken helps to balance blood pressure and is a highly anti-inflammatory food to be eaten. It is safe for diabetic patients and reduces heart related risks as well. In short, chicken is a high source of protein and should be included in your diet. 
  • Egg: After chicken, eggs have the highest protein content. They contain amino acids. Whole eggs are one of the most nutrient-dense foods and have small amounts of almost everything that your body needs. You can take eggs in any form, as they increase immunity.
  • Fish: Another highly inflammatory food item is fish. Fishes like salmon, sardines, anchovies, herring are rich in omega-3s. It is more than enough if you take 1-2 servings of them in a week.
  • Fruits: You must add fruits to your diet as they are rich in nutrients and help you get a balanced diet inclusive of vitamins, proteins, and minerals. It is recommended to take citrus fruits especially for those who are diabetic as well those who have blood pressure. 
  • Vegetables: Vegetables that are rich in fibre are important to eat after COVID-19 vaccination as they keep the body relaxed and help you have a good immune system. Add green leafy vegetables to your diet.
  • Spices: Spices naturally heal as well as boost the immune system. So, it is recommended to add turmeric, cinnamon, pepper, fennel seeds, dry ginger, etc to your food.  

What Should Diabetic And Blood Pressure Patients Eat After COVID-19 Vaccination?

For diabetic patients and those who have blood pressure, the following diet is recommended:

  • Eat a whole meal in regular intervals as it will help you to regulate your blood sugar levels prior and post vaccination. 
  • Eating a combination of vegetables is the best for blood sugar regulation, along with lean protein.
  • Nutrients and fibre rich carbs must be added in your diet  
  • Consume fluids and high water content foods. It will prevent you from dehydration thereby reducing the risk of side-effects post COVID_19 vaccination.  

Bottom Line

The side-effects of COVID-19 vaccination are expected to go away in a few days. But in the meanwhile, you must focus on healthy eating habits. You can do the same by drinking more water and eating nutrient-rich meals. 

Think it this way-that the vaccine can be a kickstart to a healthier and more sustainable regimen if you have been stuck in the pandemic rut.  

Another thing that you must focus on is getting sufficient sleep. You must allow your body to get rest. It will help you prevent unnecessary body ailments.

Stay healthy, stay safe. 

You May Also Like to Read: Who Should Or Should Not Take The COVID-19 Vaccine?

COVID-19 Vaccine: What To Do About Side Effects?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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