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Covid-19 Weekend Curfew in Delhi Effective From Today 10PM to Monday 5AM

To curb the spread of coronavirus disease, the government of Delhi has imposed a weekend Covid-19 curfew that will be effective from today. The weekend curfew in Delhi will be in place starting from Friday 10pm till Monday 5am. Residents of Delhi have been asked to strictly adhere to the guidelines issued by the government in view of the Covid-19 situation.

During the coronavirus curfew, shopping malls, restaurants, auditoriums, gyms and spas will remain shut till further notice. However, cinema halls will operate with 30% of their seating capacities on weekdays. While dining in the restaurants will not be permitted, home deliveries will be allowed. Furthermore, curfew passes will be issued to those rendering essential services. Weddings that have already been planned will be allowed to proceed, but with only relevant curfew passes. All non-essential movement of people, even domestic help will not be allowed during this weekend curfew period. Moreover, all non-essential shops, including the ones selling liquor, will be shut.

It must be noted that Delhi has surpassed Mumbai to become the worst Covid-19 hit city in the country. On Wednesday, Delhi recorded over 17,000 cases, which is quite a high number as compared to the highest single day peak in Mumbai with 11,163, registered cases. 

The restrictions were announced by Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal during a press conference held after a high-level Covid-19 review meeting with lieutenant governor Anil Baijal as well as senior officials. 

According to the statement of Mr. Kejriwal, the weekend curfew in Delhi has been imposed for this weekend only. The Covid-19 situation will be closely monitored on a daily basis and only if required, the weekend curfew will be imposed on forthcoming weekends. 

You May Also Check: Covid-19 Health Insurance

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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