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Covid-19 Vaccine Registration: All You Need to Know

During the ongoing COVD-19 pandemic, the government of India is taking necessary precautions to ensure that the nation is prepared to face the challenge and threat caused by the virus. The government has taken several steps to limit the spread of the virus in the country that has proved to be helpful too. But at present, the priority is to ensure that the COVID-19 vaccine is available to all, for which the government is tracing the process from the production to the last mile administration. Initiated to cover the healthcare and frontline workers, and then to people aged above 45 years, the COVID-19 vaccine is now available for people aged above 18 years as well. People can register themselves by following a few easy steps online. 

How to Register for COVID-19 Vaccination?

To register for the COVID-19 vaccination, you must first register yourself, if you are eligible to get the same. You can do so by visiting, or the Arogya Set app or UMANG app. To register via CoWIN, you must have a valid photo ID, and follow the simple steps given below: 

Step 1: Login and Register

  • Download the CoWIN application or log in to
  • Enter a valid mobile number. You will receive a One Time Password on that mobile number. Enter that and click on ‘Verify’. 
  • Enter the requirements such as your name, gender, year of birth, etc., and click on ‘Register’. 

Step 2: Add More Individuals

  • You can use this registered mobile number to add up to 3 more members to get vaccinated, apart from self. 
  • Enter the details of the people you wish to get registered for COVID-19 vaccination. 
  • On successfully adding the member, you will receive a confirmation message

Step 3: Delete A Member

  • You can also delete a member registered with this mobile number by logging in with the same user ID and password.
  • Click on the delete icon to delete the member.
  • You will receive a confirmation for the same.

Step 4: Schedule An Appointment

  • The next you are required to do is book an appointment at the nearest vaccination center. Visit the ‘Account Details’ page for the same.
  • To book an appointment, click on ‘Schedule’. You will be navigated to the ‘Book Appointment for Vaccination’ page. 
  • Search vaccination center of your choice by entering the district and pin code.
  • On clicking any center at the panel, you can see center names available nearby.
  • You will see the ‘Appointment Confirmation’ page after clicking ‘Book’.
  • Verify details and click on ‘Confirm’ to book the appointment.
  • You can cancel/reschedule the appointment if you want to.

Step 4: Appointment Confirmation 

  • Last but not the least, you will see the appointment slip that you can download from the portal.
  • You will also detail the appointment on the mobile number registered with the portal. 

Kindly note that the process to register for a second dose is similar to the process to get dose 1. You can schedule the appointment by visiting the ‘Account Details’ page. 

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Documents Required For COVID-19 Vaccination 

To register yourself for COVID-19 vaccination, you can use any of the below-mentioned photo ID proof: 

  • Aadhar card
  • PAN card
  • Health insurance smart card (issued under scheme of Ministry of Labour)
  • Passport
  • Pension Document
  • MGNREGA job card
  • Driving licence
  • Official identity cards issued to employees by central or state governments or public limited companies
  • Voter ID


The CoWIN portal is nothing but the digital backbone of the ongoing vaccination drive in India. It is being managed effectively by the government of India and is witnessing an increase in the number of sessions as well as the facilities related to COVID-19 vaccination. It is recommended that as a responsible being, you must timely register yourself and your dear ones for COVID-19 vaccination, using the portal.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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