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COVID-19 Unlock 2.0 Begins in Delhi Today, Check Details Here

Delhi COVID-19 Unlocking: After a stringent lockdown in Delhi that lasted for around one and half months, the Delhi CM Arvind Kejriwal has announced unlock 2.0 in the capital from today. In April and May, the COVID-19 cases witnessed a surge in the number of cases, but now as per the data provided by the Delhi government, the number of cases and deaths have dropped significantly. On Saturday i.e. 5th June, 414 new cases and 60 deaths were reported in the capital, leading to relaxations in the lockdown restrictions. 

COVID-19 Unlock Guidelines For Delhi

Here is what is allowed and what is not: 

  • The shopping malls and markets are now allowed to reopen from today. Shops and shopping malls will be open in the odd and even system and between 10 am to 8 pm. This means, only 50% of the shops will be open on a particular day. 
  • Pharmacies and shops selling essential items are not included in the odd-even restrictions and can be opened all seven days. 
  • Delhi metro will start operating with 50% capacity. 
  • As per a press release by DMRC, no standing passengers would be allowed inside the train. Also, only 50% percent of  seating will be allowed inside the train in order to maintain social distancing practice as well as compliance.
  • In public sector offices, Group A officials are allowed to work from office on all 7 days, whereas other categories can work with 50% capacity. 
  • Those offering essential services can work with full capacity. The respective Heads of Departments will decide on designating essential services and finalising rosters.  
  • Private offices can open with 50% capacity from 9 am to 5 pm but are urged to work from home as much as possible. Staggered shifts are suggested for the companies in order to minimise crowding. 

As Delhi’s positivity rate (positive cases identified for every 100 tests) declining at 0.53%, the government is looking forward to unlocking it with an aim to revive the economy. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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