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Covid-19 Surge: Strict Lockdown Imposed in Rajasthan Till May 3

The government of Rajasthan has announced a two-week strict lockdown in order to curb the spread of Covid-19 cases in the state. The lockdown will be in effect from April 19 to May 3 at 5am. Currently, the case doubling time in Rajasthan is 45 days and a week specific positivity rate of 12.91 per cent. The decision to impose restrictions like lockdown came after various rounds of Covid-19 review meetings chaired by Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot over the weekend. 

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It must be noted that the Rajasthan government has named the restrictions as ‘Jan Anushasan Pakhwara’ (public discipline fortnight), under which all commercial establishments, markets, malls and offices will remain shut. However, activities related to employment of workers like factories as well as construction work will be operational. 

While only essential services, including banks, grocery shops, dairy shops, and pharmacies will be allowed to operate, items like vegetables, fruits, milk and grocery products will be sold in shops till 7 pm. LPG, gas and petrol pump services, sweet shops and food takeaway will be allowed to be opened till 8 pm.

Exemption will be made for electronic and print media employees, who will be allowed to travel only after showing their identity cards. Those travelling by bus, train, or flight will be allowed to move on after a check of their travel tickets.

As of now, the coronavirus situation in Rajasthan is stressful. The state encountered more than 10,000 fresh Covid-19 cases and 42 deaths on Sunday. Out of the new coronavirus cases in Rajasthan, 2,000 were from Jaipur itself. Presently, the active novel coronavirus cases in Rajasthan have reached 67,135. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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