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COVID-19 is Airborne: Read Tips to Prevent the Infection

India is currently combating the second wave of COVID-19 and the experts have already given a warning of an imminent third wave. As per experts, COVID-19 can spread through the air. However, it does not mean that anyone can catch it wherever they are. It means that when an infected person coughs in a closed room that is not fully ventilated, then the particles remain suspended in the air and the other person who enters the room may catch the virus. 

Tips to Prevent COVID-19 Which Can Also Spread Through Air

Following are some tips that can help you stay away from contracting COVID-19 - 

1. One of the preventive measures suggested by Dr. Rommel Tickoo, the Director of Internal Medicine at Max Healthcare, is to keep the house well ventilated by opening the doors and windows whenever possible. 

2. He also believes that it is very important to wear a mask properly whenever going out. One should not remove the mask when talking to others, or keep adjusting it frequently, he adds. 

Dr. Ambarish Satwik who is a Vascular and Endovascular Surgeon at Sir Ganga Ram Hospital believes that the virus was always airborne and it is not only the case this time.

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Unlike the idea in the initial phase of the pandemic, the virus does not only spread due to the transfer of saliva droplets when an infected person coughs or sneezes, but can be transferred through breath as well. This is because it stays suspended in the air. 

Emphasizing the importance of ventilation, the doctor gives an example of cigarette smoking in a room. As the smoke remains in the room if it is not fully ventilated, similarly the saliva particles remain in a poorly ventilated room with an infected person. 

Read More Here: 

How to Get Vaccinated for Covid-19?

Things to Know About Life After Recovering From COVID-19

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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