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Covid-19 Increases Risk of Depression and Dementia, Suggests Study

In a latest study, researchers have found that individuals diagnosed with Covid-19 in the last 6 months had more chances of developing depression, dementia, stroke and psychosis. Furthermore, a third of people with a previous Covid infection went on to develop psychological or neurological conditions or have a relapse. However, people admitted to hospital or in intensive care showcased an even higher risk. According to the researchers, this could be due to both, the effect of the stress as well as Covid-19 infection impacting the brain directly. 

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It must be noted that the UK scientists took into consideration the electronic medical records of more than half a million patients in the United States. Also, the chances of the patients developing brain haemorrhage, dementia, mood disorders, psychosis, stroke and various other common psychological or neurological conditions were looked at. Conditions such as stroke and dementia were more likely to be due to the body’s reaction to the coronavirus infection in general or  the biological impacts of the virus. 

As the study was conducted for observational purposes, researchers could not say whether Covid had caused any of the diagnoses. However, researchers at the University of Oxford concluded that novel coronavirus was associated with more subsequent brain conditions in comparison to other respiratory illnesses. 

The participants were matched on the basis of age, sex, ethnicity as well as health conditions to be made as comparable as possible.

It was noted that there were 16% more chances of sufferers developing a psychological or neurological disorder after novel coronavirus than in comparison to after other respiratory infections. 

Dr. Sara Imarisio, Head of Research at Alzheimer's Research UK, stated that previous studies have emphasized that people with dementia are at higher risk of developing severe coronavirus infection. The new study sheds light on whether the relationship between Covid-19 and brain condition also holds in the other direction.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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