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Covid-19: Compulsory CoWIN Registration for Those Aged 18-45 Years Starts From April 28

Latest reports from the Center state that CoWIN registration for Covid-19 vaccination will be mandatory for all above 18 years of age. The registration process will begin from April 28 on the CoWin system and Aarogya Setu app. No walk-in facilities will be allowed for those between 18-45 years of age on an initial basis. However, those aged above 45 years will continue to reap benefits of an on-site registration or walk-in facility. It must be noted that the Covid-19 vaccination drive for people above 18 years begins from May 1.

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According to a government official, an increased demand is expected once the vaccination is opened for all. To ensure efficient crowd control, we have made registering on CoWin portal and making an appointment mandatory for people aged between 18 to 45 years. Walk-ins are not being allowed to make sure there is no chaos.

It must be noted that in a letter to state authorities, the Union Health Ministry secretary Rajesh Bhushan has highlighted the strategy and rules for the third phase of the vaccination drive. As per the protocols, the registration process will start from April 28, however, the inoculation process and documents to be provided to get coronavirus vaccinated remain the same. 

The appointments module on the Co-WIN system will showcase the vaccine type as well as the prices. As per the letter, all vaccination slots at private CVCs will be offered only for online appointments from CoWIN or Arogya Setu. On-site registrations or appointments will be permitted in case vaccine doses are left in the last opened vials to ensure minimum wastage of vaccine. 

Read More

Things to Know About a COVID-19 Vaccine

Coronavirus Vaccine: What You Can And Cannot Do After Getting Vaccinated?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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