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Corona Kavach V/S Corona Rakshak Policy

In times of this deadly pandemic, people have come to realize the priority of health. Health is above all, and it is crucial to protect it against any unforeseen events. Health insurance policies do it for individuals at an affordable cost. In this global pandemic, there have been cases where people lost their loved ones due to not getting access to quality health care treatment or not receiving hospitalization. An insurance cover ensures that you and your loved ones get hospitalized and receive cashless treatment without worrying about monetary issues. 

Many health insurance providers have rolled out short-term COVID-19 insurance covers which are specifically meant to deal with coronavirus disease. These covers provide coverage for patients suffering from coronavirus disease and have a short waiting period so that the benefits can be availed as early as possible. Corona Kavach and Corona Rakshak health insurance covers are two COVID-19 health insurance policies that are provided by many insurers based on the guidelines of IRDAI. 

Corona Kavach V/S Corona Rakshak Policy

Distinction Between Corona Rakshak And Corona Kavach Policies

Both Corona Kavach and Corona Rakshak health insurance policies serve a similar purpose of protecting the policyholders against the medical expenses that might incur due to the coronavirus disease. But, these policies differ slightly in their respective features and therefore, you must know the details of these policies to choose the suitable one for yourself and your family. Let us look at the differences between the Corona Kavach and Corona Rakshak policy based on the common features that are looked for in a health insurance cover: 

1. Type of Health Insurance Cover

Corona Kavach is an indemnity-based policy while Corona Rakshak is a fixed benefit-based plan. That is, in the case of the Corona Kavach plan, the insurer provides the reimbursed claim to the policyholder for their hospitalization of at least 24 hours. However, the Corona Rakshak plan offers the claim to the policyholder for their hospitalization of at least 72 hours post-diagnosing coronavirus. 

2. Availability of The Covers 

Corona Kavach policy is offered by health and general insurance companies only while, Corona Rakshak covers can be offered by any insurance company to their policyholders. 

3. Sum Assured 

These two COVID-19 health insurance covers differ with respect to the sum assured offered by the insurer. The range of sum assured offered in case of Corona Kavach policy is Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 5 Lakh and for Corona Rakshak policy it ranges from Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 2.5 Lakh. 

4. Requirement of Minimum Hospitalization 

To avail of the benefits of the Corona Kavach policy, the patient must be hospitalized for a minimum of 24 hours, and in the case of the Corona Rakshak policy, it should be at least 72 hours. 

5. Family Floater Options 

You can cover your entire family for protection against coronavirus under the Corona Kavach covers only. Corona Rakshak plans do not cover the family of the individual under a single health insurance policy. 

6. Availability of Daily Hospital Cash Cover 

The benefit of hospital daily cash is available under the Corona Kavach plan but is absent under the Corona Rakshak plan. Under this optional cover, the insurer pays 0.5% of the sum assured per day for a maximum of 15 days, for the continuous hospitalization of the policyholder. 


Considering the above differences between the Corona Kavach and Corona Rakshak policies, you must choose the one that is more affordable for you and meets your demands and requirements. These policy covers can be purchased for a period of 3.5 months, 6.5  months, or 9.5 months. You must read the fine print of the policy to make sure that all your inclusions have been mentioned in the policy. You can claim the policy in case of an emergency that is when diagnosed with coronavirus. 

Also Read: Features and Benefits of Corona Kavach Policy

Features and Benefits of Corona Rakshak Policy

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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