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Co-WIN Registration Mandatory for Vaccination, Says Health Ministry

Registration on the Co-WIN application is compulsory to receive Covid-19 vaccine during the inoculation programme, according to the Indian government. Dr. Harsh Vardhan, Health Minister announced that the self-registration of the CoWIN app will be released soon. Also, it would be mandatory for the beneficiaries to self-register to receive the coronavirus vaccine during the world’s largest covid vaccination drive, which is to start on January 16.

As per the Health Ministry, only the novel coronavirus vaccine beneficiaries who will be registered on Co-WIN will get QR code-based vaccination certificate. The Health Minister also informed that the self-registration process is yet to commence so citizens should stay alert of any kind of fraudulent apps with similar names that may exist on various platforms. 

It is to be noted that the CoWIN app (Covid Vaccine Intelligence Network), is being utilised as back-end software. It is specifically designed to provide real-time information during the novel coronavirus vaccination drive. The app will be relied on to provide all details about vaccine stocks, vaccine storage temperature, and tracking of beneficiaries (individualized). CoWIN app also features automated session allocation. Another key aspect of the Covid-19 vaccination drive is that one of the prime authentication methods would be Aadhaar card. 

The message from the Health Minister comes a day before India starts its vaccination drive.

You May Also Like To Read: Things to Know About a COVID-19 Vaccine

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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