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Clinical Trials of Vaccines for New Covid-19 Variants to Begin Soon

Over the past few weeks, new variants of the coronavirus have emerged in various parts of the world. It has been a worry among researchers whether or not the present covid-19 vaccines developed might prove to be effective against the new strains. According to the latest reports, in order to come up with a vaccine solution for the new strains of novel coronavirus, researchers have been developing a vaccine that can protect people from all kinds of virus variants.

Targeting both spike protein and the N protein of the coronavirus is one of the solutions being observed by the researchers. A virologist at Nottingham University stated that there is no indication that any of the new virus variants results in more severe disease than the original one. He further informed that there is evidence that some of these new variants may be better at infecting and spreading. 

It must be noted that the development of the covid-19 vaccine has already reached the eventual stages. While, the manufacturing of the new novel coronavirus vaccine has already begun. 

Researchers are exploring another approach of including an extra dose of antibodies in the nose and the throat. Bristol University researchers are conducting research on the same. At present, the measurement of antibody levels in the mucosal secretions of people vaccinated for covid-19 is being carried out. 

New variants of the novel coronavirus have been discovered in South Africa, the UK and some other places. 

It must be noted that a new mutated strain of coronavirus has also been reported in districts of Maharashtra, India. 

Also Read: Does Covid Vaccine Provide Lifelong Protection?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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