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Claim Process of Star Health Insurance

Health insurance plans are rolled out to the policyholders with a set of features and benefits that can be availed at the time of the claim settlement process. The claim settlement process of a health insurance plan is the most important step as it ensures that the policyholders receive the much needed medical compensation for their purchased policy at the time of an emergency. Health insurance providers with a high claim settlement ratio have a higher credibility of approving the claim requests of the policyholders without any hassles. You must look for health insurers which have a good track record of approving the claim request of the individuals on time.

Star health insurance, like any other insurance company, has a basic set of protocols that must be followed by the policyholders at the time of claiming their Star health insurance plans. The health insurance plans come with a waiting period during which the plans cannot be claimed. After overcoming the specified waiting period, you can claim your health insurance plan and enjoy the accumulated benefits of your purchased health insurance plan.

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Claim Process of Star Health Insurance

About Star Health Insurance Plans

Star Health Insurance is a well known health insurance provider in the market and it has a trusted base of customers. The plans by Star health insurance do not have a co-payment clause for people below the age of 60 years under the health insurance policy. Some of the prominent features of Star health insurance plans are:

Must Read: Top Star Health Insurance Plans

  • Cashless claims can be availed at the 9,900+ linked hospitals of the health insurance provider
  • The company achieved a claim settlement ratio of 78.62% in the FY 2019-20, defining its reliability and credibility in case of claim procedures.
  • To help the policyholders in renewing their health insurance plans without an upper age limit, it offers a lifetime renewability of services to the policyholders.

Claim Process of Star Health Insurance

Claim settlement process is the procedure through which the policyholders can avail the accumulated benefits of their purchased health insurance policies. In case of a medical emergency, you can raise a claim request with your TPA or respective health insurance provider and receive the monetary compensation for clearing the medical dues at the hospital. The claim settlement process at Star health insurance is of two types:

1. Cashless Claim Settlement Procedure

Cashless claim process can be availed at the network hospital of the insurer under which the policyholders do not have to spend a penny from their pockets as the medical bills are directly cleared by the health insurers. Following steps can be considered when going for cashless claims:

  • Get admitted to a network hospital of Star health insurance
  • You must intimate the insurer as early as possible about your hospitalization in case of a medical emergency.
  • Produce your Star health ID and photo ID proof at the hospital desk
  • Collect pre-authorization form and submit it after filling in the necessary details
  • After proper verification of documents and reviewing of the details by the insurer, the claim will be approved and your medical bills will be cleared by the insurer directly.

2. Reimbursement Claim Settlement Procedure

This claim process is involved when you do not receive the treatment at the network hospital of the health insurance provider. It involves the following steps:

  • Seek hospitalization in a non-network hospital and inform your insurer about the hospitalization as soon as possible.
  • Fill the reimbursement form which can either be collected physically from the insurer’s office or can be downloaded from their official website of Star health insurance.
  • Clear your medical bills at the hospital before getting discharged.
  • Collect all the relevant documents, reports, invoices, and bills.
  • Submit your claim form along with the bills to your TPA or insurer.
  • After verification by the insurer, the claim will be approved and the claim amount will be transferred to your bank account.


Considering the above mentioned steps you can claim your Star health insurance policies without any hassles. To avoid any inconvenience at the time of the claim procedures you must go through the policy terms and conditions, as it gives a better understanding of the policy inclusions and exclusions.

Read More: Value Added Benefits In Star Health Insurance Plans

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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