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Children Top the List of Concerns for Fathers, Still Not Many Keep Their Health as Priority, Says Study

Going by the results of a study conducted by Future Generali India Life Insurance Company and Market Xcel, it has been found in a recent study that young fathers in Delhi-NCR are concerned about their child’s health, but it is their future that stresses them the most. Future Generali India Life Insurance Company and Market Xcel, which is a Market Agency Research in India have reported that 38% fathers in the capital of India fear for their children’s future, whereas only 17% are worried about their health.

Followed by future and health, are concerns for financial security at 16% and loss of family at 14%. The study also revealed that a major chunk of the population is facing work-related stress. About 58% of respondents shared that their job takes away a large part of the time at work, which was supposed to be shared with family. Speaking of work-life balance, 73% of the respondents shared that they work for 6 days in a week, whereas 64% work for 7-8 hours on an average, which is greater than the national average. 

Due to change in the lifestyles, fathers are more worried about their health but feel helpless to do anything for it. Resulting in that, they regularly feel fatigued and exhausted. To overcome the work-related stress, 51% preferred vacation, whereas 57% of respondents preferred outing with friends or family. 

Despite the residents facing work stress and other health issues, they still reflect badly when it comes to getting a good health insurance plan for themselves to get protection against unforeseen circumstances. As noted, only 35% of residents of Delhi have health insurance cover.

It has also been found in the study that only 19 out of 100 fathers across India place health as their topmost priority. Also, 49 out of 100 fathers are stressed mostly because of work which leads to bad effect on health and a lot of suffering.

In the survey, the sample size of the respondents was 1319 and their average age was 35 years. They were surveyed across 7 cities, viz., Pune, Lucknow, Ahmedabad, Mumbai, Delhi NCR, Jaipur and Kolkata. Majority of the respondents in the survey were graduated and had household income greater than Rs. 5 Lakh. 

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