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Can You Get Insurance Cover For IVF Treatment In India?

A child in the family brings incredible joy and happiness. In today’s world of advanced medical procedures, infertility is no longer a hurdle in the way of achieving your dream family. IVF treatment or In Vitro Fertilization is one such procedure that helps couples achieve their dream of having a little one in their family. However, the IVF process is not a cheap one. It includes various components and might even have to be taken multiple times, racking up the bills. This is where a health insurance policy that covers the IVF process can help by providing compensation for the expenses that are incurred during the treatment.

Does Health Insurance Covers IVF Treatment In India? Check Insurance Coverages

What is Infertility?

Infertility means being unable to conceive a child. Unprotected intercourse does not guarantee pregnancy, but you should consider medical consultation if you can't conceive despite trying for more than six months. And you can make a claim if you have infertility insurance.

There are two kinds of infertility: 

Primary Infertility: You have not been pregnant even once. 

Secondary Infertility: You were pregnant once. 

Causes of Infertility in Males and Females

Both males and females suffer from infertility, but their causes differ: 

Reasons for Infertility in Males

  • Abnormal production or functions of semen that may be genetic or due to a disease
  • Problems in how sperm gets delivered, like blockage. 
  • Extreme exposure to factors, including cigarettes, marijuana, anabolic steroids, and high blood pressure,
  • Damage due to cancer treatments

Reasons for Infertility in Females

  • Disorders during ovulation
  • Abnormalities in the uterus or cervix
  • Problems in fallopian tubes
  • Unwanted tissue growth that hampers the function of ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tube
  • Early menopause
  • Problems in pelvis
  • Cancer treatments, including chemotherapy and radiation

Health Insurance Covers for IVF Treatment in India

Most general health insurance covers like newborn cover, ambulance cover, emergency cover, maternity cover and more are useful in the case of IVF treatment as well. An IVF process is typically quite expensive which is why availing the benefits of a health insurance policy might be better. However, there is typically no life risk involved in the procedure as thorough tests are conducted before the patient is subjected to the treatment. The following are some health insurance covers that are specifically designed in order to provide insurance during an IVF procedure.

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1. Infertility Diagnoses Cover

It is important to get an actual diagnosis done to discern whether you are infertile or not. If your health insurance policy has this kind of coverage, it will cover the costs of infertility diagnoses. Depending on the scope of the health insurance company, it may cover multiple tests and procedures as instructed by the doctor. Nevertheless, treatment or procedures beyond the diagnoses are not provided for in this type of cover.

2. Infertility Diagnoses Cover with Limited Fertility Treatment 

In some health insurance policies, there is limited fertility treatment coverage along with infertility diagnosis coverage. Therefore, not only does it cover the costs of your diagnoses, but also provides for a limited amount of treatment. However, the exact scope of that cost might just differ from one insurance provider to another, and it is better to clarify with them.

3. Medication Coverage for IVF

IVF procedures also comprise different medications from simple pills to injectables to ovulation drugs and more. Under this cover, the expenses for medications involved in the IVF(In Vitro Fertilization) treatment are paid for. Nevertheless, it is important to go through the policy documents or discuss with your insurance provider to see exactly which of your medications might be covered as a result of the benefits from this cover. 

4. Full Infertility Insurance Cover For IVF

The entire costs of any IVF procedure, like IVF, are covered under this type. Since the procedure itself is quite expensive and uncommon, not many health insurance companies provide this coverage where all costs are provided for. However, some might, which is why it is always better to look thoroughly. Since this is an infertility insurance cover, other procedures or treatments undertaken as a result of infertility might also be covered. 

Things to Consider Before Buying IVF covered Health Insurance

Consider the following things if you plan to purchase IVF insurance:

Eligibility: You must meet specific criteria to become eligible for IVF coverage.

Procedures: All infertility treatment insurance does not cover IVF procedures.

Number of Claims: There is a limit on how many times you can make a claim for getting IVF treatment.

Waiting Period: You must wait for a specific period of time before you can make an IVF insurance claim.

Take Away

Not only is an IVF process expensive, but it might also require to be taken multiple times, in case it fails. This is why policies like IVF treatment covered in Star Health insurance are necessary to adequately provide financial support. Since it is not a commonly undertaken treatment, and the procedure may not be available in standard insurance plans or even infertility treatment covered by insurance. Therefore, it is important to look through multiple insurance plans to find an adequate one.


Ques 1. Can you treat infertility with medicines?

Ans: Treating infertility with medication is possible, but you must consider the side effects. There are several situations where you can treat infertility with medications. For example, 

  • Clomifene, gonadotrophin, and tamoxifen, for ovulation problems
  • Metformin for polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)

Ques 2. What are the surgical procedures to treat infertility?

Ans. Certain surgical procedures can be helpful for people suffering from infertility:

  • Damaged fallopian tubes can hinder the movement of sperm; surgery might repair it.
  • Laparoscopic surgeries can remove extra tissue growth or fibroids that may impede conception.
  • When medicine proves to be ineffective, laparoscopy can also treat infertility.

Ques 3. When should a female see a doctor for infertility?

Ans. Females should consult a doctor if they fail to conceive a child despite trying for over a year. However, you should visit a Gynaecologist sooner if you are in your mid-thirties. 

Ques 4. What are the physical tests for infertility?

Ans. Examination of your vaginal area for any lumps, tenderness, or other abnormalities, And Test for lumps or abnormalities of the testes and penis. Physical tests also includes

Also Read: Easy Steps to Fill Star Health Insurance Claim Form

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and is meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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