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Can You Get COVID Vaccine In Two Different States?

The government of India has finally made the COVID vaccines available for everyone who is above 18 in India. There are two vaccines being given out in India, the Covaxin by Bharat Biotech and Covishield by Serum Institute of India. Both of them need to be administered in two doses with four to six or eight weeks in between. One can get the required doses at government as well as private hospitals and facilities.

Can You Get COVID Vaccine In Two Different States?

Yes, you can get the COVID vaccine in two different states in India. However, it is crucial that you take the second dose of the same vaccine from which you took the first dose. That is, if your first dose was of Covaxin, your second dose cannot be of Covishield or vice versa. Therefore, you must book your slot at a centre that is offering the same vaccine whose dose you have taken. It does not matter if it is a different state from the one where you had taken the first dose from.

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Will my Second Dose be Automatically Scheduled? 

No, your second dose will not be automatically scheduled by the CoWIN portal. You will have to log in and register manually. You can keep track of your due date, however, by referring to your COVID Vaccination Certificate where it will be stated.

How to Register for Your Second Dose of the Vaccine?

The following are the steps to register for the second dose of your COVID vaccine:

  • Log in to the CoWIN portal by using the OTP that will arrive on the same phone number that you had used to register yourself for the vaccine.
  • Click on the “Schedule Appointment” option beside the “Second Dose” option.
  • A list of nearby vaccination centres will be provided. The pin code you enter will be taken into consideration to display this, regardless of the state in which you had taken your first dose. Select the desired one.
  • Confirm your booking once you have checked all the necessary information on the confirmation page.

How to Download the COVID Vaccination Certificate?

The COVID Vaccination Certificate is downloadable from the CoWIN website. It is issued to everyone who has taken the first dose of their vaccine. This certificate is of much help as it contains crucial personal information as well as vaccination information like the type of vaccine you had taken, your second dose due date, and more.

 To download your COVID Vaccination Certificate, follow these steps:

  • Visit the CoWIN website.
  • Enter the phone number that you had used to register yourself for the vaccine.
  • An OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number which you will have to enter in order to log in.
  • Click on the Certificate tab. 
  • Click on “Download” to get your COVID Vaccine Certificate. 


For your safety, as well as for everyone around you, it is imminent that you get vaccinated as soon as possible. The process of getting the vaccine is quite seamless and there are no restrictions with regards to your state as mentioned. You can simply register yourself and visit the nearest center where the vaccine is available to get vaccinated.

Also Read: 

COVID-19: When Can You Get Second Vaccine Shot if Infected After First Dose?

Ways You Need To Take Care Of Yourself After Testing Negative For Covid-19

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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