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Can Provide Mutation-Beating Vaccine Within 6 Weeks: BioNTech

BioNTech, the renowned German biotechnology company has showcased its efficiency in making a vaccine for the new virus variant. According to Ugur Sahin, one of the co-founders of the company, the chances of its Covid-19 vaccine working against the mutated strain detected in Britain are high. However, the company could also adapt the Covid-19 vaccine if required to fight against the new virus variant within a time period of 6 weeks. 

Addressing the current situation of the new virus variant being spread at a rapid pace in the UK, Ugur Sahin said, "In scientific terms, it is quite possible that the immune response by the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine also can deal with the new strain.” He further stated that as per the requirement, if the company could straightaway start to make a vaccine that completely mimics this new mutation, the former could be able to come up with a new vaccine in about six weeks.

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It is to be noted that the variant detected in Britain has nine mutations. 

BioNTech is confident that its Covid-19 vaccine, which was developed along with Pfizer would be efficient in dealing with the mutant coronavirus, mainly because of its composition. The Covid-19 vaccine could be highly efficient as it contains more than 1,000 amino acids. As per Ugur Sahin, 99% of the protein is still the same as the major change has taken place only in nine. 

As of now, multiple tests are being run on the coronavirus variant. The results are expected in two weeks’ time. 

BioNTech is waiting for the multiple tests to be complete before it publishes the data. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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