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Can Pregnant Women And Cardiac Patients Get the COVID-19 Vaccine?

In the wake of the havoc caused by the COVID-19 virus across the country, every effort is being made to expedite the vaccination program. More and more people are getting vaccinated at the earliest to get protected against the current and potential upcoming waves of coronavirus. But, there are some doubts related to the vaccination for pregnant women and cardiac patients, which are one of the most vulnerable groups of society. In this article, we bring to you the answers which you may have regarding the COVID-19 vaccination for pregnant women and cardiac patients.

Can Pregnant Women Get the COVID-19 Vaccine?

When it comes to pregnant women, it is our utmost priority to safeguard them from the Coronavirus. However, most of the vaccine’s clinical trials did not comprise pregnant women in the sample population, due to which there is limited information available in regards to pregnant women and lactating mothers. But, some clinical trials of the vaccine with pregnant volunteers are going to start soon while some are underway. Nevertheless, based on the current data of trials with pregnant women, most of the vaccine firms have denied the recommendation of vaccines on them. 

In this situation, the pregnant women are advised to wait for the time for vaccination till vaccine firms allow them to get the vaccine jab. It will be confirmed once the going clinical trials confirm the effectiveness of the vaccine on expecting women. Till then, if you are expecting a child, you should stay inside the home and follow all the COVID-19 protocols without any violation which primarily consists of wearing a mask and maintaining social distancing from anyone and everyone in the surrounding.

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Can Cardiac Patients Get the COVID-19 Vaccine?

In simple terms, yes. It is crucial for all people with cardiovascular conditions to get the COVID-19 vaccine. After different levels of vaccine trials, there is no evidence found which states that vaccines are not effective for cardiac patients. However, the vaccination may not necessarily and holistically safeguard people from getting infected with the COVID-19 virus, but it will definitely lessen the happening of severe illness that can result in hospitalisation or death. 

It is a well-known fact that heart patients are at higher risk of getting succumbed to COVID-19 as the infection places increased stress on the patient's heart through various mechanisms such as inflammation of the heart. Hence, it is widely recommended that COVID-19 vaccines are safe and effective for all heart disease patients and they should readily get the vaccination done, except for patients with a very rare cardiac condition. 

Take Away

Although the vaccination drive is going on and everyone is urged to get vaccinated as much as possible, you should understand your condition before participating in the drive. People with heart disease and pregnant women should consult their doctors before going for vaccination to avoid any further complications as the former are allowed in most of the cases and the latter is restricted from getting vaccination in most of the situations.

Read more:

Guide for Pregnant Women to Stay Safe During Coronavirus

How COVID-19 Compares Against Other Killer Diseases in India?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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