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Can Newborn Babies Be Covered In Health Insurance Plans?

A health insurance policy is crucial for each and every member of the family regardless of their age. It compensates for the medical expenses that can incur due to an emergency. It also saves your finances from draining completely due to the rise in inflation in the health sector. Various covers like pre and post-hospitalization, in-patient expenses, domiciliary expenses, ambulance charges, and much more are included under the health insurance policies. You can also increase the scope of the benefits by purchasing add-on covers to enhance the existing health insurance policy. 

Having a newborn baby is one of the most beautiful phases of life and you should make sure that you take up its responsibilities wisely. The most important care that must be a priority for your newborn is health care. You should take all possible and affordable measures to protect the health of your newly born baby. You must invest in a health insurance policy that can cover your baby and look for its medical expenses incurred during regular vaccination, medical checkups, etc post 90 days from the date of birth. 

How To Include Newborn Babies In A Health Insurance Policy?

Newborn babies cannot have an individual health insurance policy and therefore, you must purchase a family floater plan which can cover the baby along with the parents. It is essential to have a family floater plan that covers your baby post 90 days from the date of birth. It is important because newly born babies have weak immunity and they take time to build it. Meanwhile, they remain vulnerable to contract any disease easily. Therefore, you must have a health insurance policy that ensures that the medical expenses incurred from the treatment of your baby are covered. 

During the initial few months from the date of birth, the health of the baby remains unpredictable and due to any complication during the delivery, you might have to ensure that proper medical attention is provided to the baby. After being born, babies need regular medical checkups, medical treatments, vaccinations, etc. which can cost you a lot, and so to compensate for these expenses you should have a family floater health insurance policy that covers your baby in it. It will help you stay financially strong during an emergency and will also ensure your baby’s quality treatment in private hospitals. 

Can Newborn Babies Be Covered In Health Insurance Plans?

Benefits of Including A Newborn Baby In A Health Insurance Policy 

Shielding your newborn baby from any external medical mishaps is the prime reason to have a health insurance policy with a newborn baby cover included in it. However, there are some other benefits too which can be availed if you have your baby included in the health insurance policy, which are:

  • With a suitable newborn baby cover under a health insurance policy, you can enjoy a new phase of your life without worrying about finances and security. 
  • The premium payments for newborn baby health insurance coverage cost less. 
  • By investing in such health insurance policies, you can save your finances as you become eligible for a tax deduction on your premium payments under section 80D of the Income Tax Act. 
  • Some insurers provide the benefit of an annual health checkup for the family members including the newborn baby under the family floater plan purchased.  
  • A No Claim Bonus is rewarded for every claim-free year in the policy tenure to the policyholders. 

Factors To Consider While Buying A Health Insurance Policy Including A Newborn Baby 

Following are some points that you must keep in mind while including your newborn baby in a health insurance policy: 

  • Make sure that the policy allows up-gradation of the policy once the baby has completed 90 days from the date of birth. 
  • Make sure that the coverage included pre and post-natal expenses, vaccination charges, etc. 
  • Thoroughly read the exclusion of the policy purchased within the free-look period. 


Ensure your baby’s complete medical protection under the health insurance cover purchased. Choose the cover that is suitable for you with a sufficient sum assured. You can use an online premium calculator to select the plan that is affordable for you. 

Also Read: Guide To Buy Health Insurance For Newborn

Child Health Insurance or Newborn Baby Cover– Concept, Importance & More

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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