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Can I Reschedule or Cancel My COVID-19 Vaccination Appointment?

While the second wave of the pandemic is raging in India, the country is also attempting one of the largest vaccination drives across the world. This massive initiative of the Indian government has been organised by the health department and required Indian citizens to register themselves before they can receive the vaccine. In this article, we will tell you about everything you need to know about the COVID-19 Vaccine registration process.

How Can I Register For the COVID-19 Vaccine?

There are two ways to register yourself for COVID-19 vaccine in India, viz., CoWin portal and the Arogya Setu App. These are easy to use portals that allow you to register yourselves and then book an appointment for COVID-19 vaccine. However, some centres are also offering the vaccine to those of a certain age group on a walk-in basis. In such cases, the people vaccinated are registered right before they get their vaccination done. Keep in mind, the registration process with the Health Department is compulsory.

How Can I Register For the COVID-19 VAccine Using the CoWIN Portal?

The following steps will guide you through the registration process for the COVID-19 vaccine using the CoWIN portal:

Step 1: Go to the CoWIN Portal by opening your internet browser on your mobile.

Step 2: Once the homepage of the COWIN portal opens you can enter your mobile number and then the OTP to verify yourself.

Step 3: Provide all the required information including your name, gender, date of birth etc. Also, provide a photo ID.

Step 4: Once you have entered all these details you can complete the registration for the vaccine. Next, you will need to schedule an appointment. You can do this by searching for a centre by entering your pin code or district and selecting a slot that is free and suits you.

Step 5: On the day of vaccination, do not forget to take the photo ID that you used at the time of registration.

How Can I Register For COVID-19 Vaccine Using Aarogya Setu App?

Listed below are the steps to register for COVID-19 vaccine using the Aarogya Setu App:

Step 1: Download the Aarogya Setu App on your phone and open it to the home page. Select the CoWIN tab from the screen.

Step 2: Select ‘Vaccine Registration’ option. Then enter your mobile number. You will receive an OTP on your number. Enter this OTP into the provided section to complete the verification process.

Step 3: You will need to provide basic details such as your name, date of birth and gender along with your photo ID for registration.

Step 4: Once you have provided all the required information you can enter the required information, you can complete the registration process by submitting the details.

Step 5: Lastly, you need to schedule your appointment. Search for a centre by entering your pin or district and select an appointment time of your choice.

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If Required Can My COVID-19 Vaccination Appointment Be Cancelled or Rescheduled?

Yes, if you need to reschedule or cancel your COVID-19 vaccine appointment it can be done. If you are suffering from any COVID-19 symptom, then you must not go for vaccination as it may put everyone else at the centre at risk.

How Can I Cancel or Reschedule My COVID-19 Vaccination Appointment, If Required?

To reschedule or cancel the COVID-19 vaccine appointment already made, you are required to visit the CoWin portal and then select the ‘Reschedule’ tab. There you can change your date or cancel your vaccination appointment.

Do I Get a Choice In The COVID-19 Vaccine I Receive?

At public hospitals and vaccination centres, you will not be given a choice between Covaxin and Covidshield. Private centres and hospitals, however, may offer the option to choose between the two. It is advised by experts, however, to take whichever vaccine is available to you. Both the Covershield and the Covexin are safe and effective. Moreover, since the country is experiencing a severe shortage of vaccines during the second wave, it is safest to take what is offered. The COVID-19 vaccines are the best protection against the disease at the moment. Even if it cannot prevent the disease it can reduce the severity of its symptoms significantly.

Must Read: Are COVID-19 Vaccines Safe For People With Existing Health Conditions?

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To conclude, it is mandatory to register with the Health Department for the COVID-19 vaccine, which can be done via CoWIN portal or the Aarogya Setu App. Also, if you want to, then you can cancel or reschedule your vaccination appointment by going to the same CoWIN portal and making the necessary changes. Furthermore, you are advised to do so if you feel you are developing any form of the COVID-19 disease symptoms. Lastly, since there is an acute shortage of vaccines at the moment, there is no choice being offered to citizens. It is thus advisable to take whichever vaccine becomes available to you.

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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