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Can I Donate Plasma After COVID-19 Vaccination?

In India, we are experiencing unprecedented levels of COVID-19 infections. In such a situation all of us want to do as much as we can for those around us. For those who have recovered from COVID-19, plasma donations are an easy way to give back. Moreover, plasma therapy has proven to be an effective form of treatment for COVID by doctors for quite some time now. Hence, in this article, we will outline the requirements that make someone eligible to donate plasma.

Who Can Donate Plasma For COVID-19 Patients in India?

Following are the criteria that make one eligible to donate plasma in India:

1. Must be a survivor of COVID-19. Must be able to show positive test results as proof.

2. If you are a woman, you must be a survivor between the ages of 18-55 and have never been pregnant.

3. If you are a man, you must be a survivor between 18-55.

When Can You Donate Plasma for COVID-19? Why?

You can only donate your plasma for COVID-19 treatment after 28 days of completely recovering from the disease. This is because, while you are still sick from the disease your body does not have enough antibodies needed to kill the virus. However, right after you recover is also the best time to donate as the antibodies are at their highest. Lastly, you will need your COVID-19 positive test results to donate.

Why Is It Important To Donate Plasma For COVID-19 Patients?

The plasma provided by survivors can save the lives of other COVID-19 patients. Plasma therapy has been a proven treatment for COVID-19 patients. Moreover, with the scale of infections and shortage of medicines and plasma everywhere, your plasma donation can make a real difference.  Just like any other blood donation session, blood will be drawn from your arm and stored in tubes so they can extract the plasma from it.

Where Can You Donate Plasma For COVID-19 Patients In India?

In India, major blood banks are conducting plasma donations. You can find the one close to your location and call them to find out how to go about the donation process. Moreover, you can also search for such donation camps in your area over the internet. If you are unable to find any sources, ask your doctor. They will surely be able to tell you where you can donate plasma in India.

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What Needs To Be Done Before Donating Plasma For COVID-19 Patients?

Following are some things to remember before you donate plasma:

1. Make sure that you have not had any alcohol within 24 hours of the donation. Alcohol is a blood thinner and remains traceable in blood for about a day. This could remain in the blood that is collected from you. Moreover, it could cause excessive bleeding in the donor.

2. Make sure to eat light before your plasma donation. Make sure to avoid any greasy or heavy meals before donating.

3. Do not smoke before donating plasma.

4. Do not use any pain-relieving medication, such as aspirin 48 hours before donating plasma. This affects the blood’s platelets.

Can I Donate Plasma After Receiving COVID-19 Vaccine?

Yes, you can donate plasma to COVID-19 patients after getting vaccinated against the virus. However, you can do so only after at least 28 days of receiving the second dose of your COVID-19 vaccine.

How Does Plasma Therapy Work For COVID-19 Patients?

Plasma is a yellow component that makes up nearly 55% of our blood. When you donate it, the pathological labs separate the plasma from your blood using devices called plasma tubes. This device uses centrifugation to separate the plasma from your blood.

The Plasma of a COVID-19 survivor has antibodies. They were produced by the survivor when they fought the infection and are stored in the plasma of the survivor. Hence, when this is administered to a patient who is fighting COVID, it can help them recover from the disease. This plasma which is donated by a survivor for plasma therapy is called convalescent plasma. It has proven to help COVID patients heal faster.

Take Away

In a nutshell, if you are a COVID-19 survivor that fits the requirements to donate plasma, make sure to do it. Plasma therapy has proven to be an effective treatment for COVID-19 and with the rising rate of infections, your donation can make a real difference. Make sure to follow the above-mentioned guidelines about food intake, alcohol, smoking, and medication before your appointment. Remember even a single person’s contribution can make a difference.

Also Read: Who Should Be Prioritized For COVID-19 Vaccination?

Guide To COVID-19 Vaccination - All Questions Answered

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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