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Can I Choose The COVID-19 Vaccine?

In India, you can now get the COVID-19 vaccine if you are above the age of eighteen. The two vaccines that are being given out are the Covaxin by Bharat Biotech and the Covishield by Serum Institute of India. A third vaccine, the Sputnik V, is also scheduled to be available from June. Anyone who wants to get the vaccine has to register for it. Only a few limited on-spot slots are available at government facilities.

Can I Choose the Vaccine?

With multiple options for vaccines available, there have been frequent questions of whether one can choose which vaccine they get. The answer, for now, is that you cannot choose. Once you register for the vaccine and get a slot at the vaccination centre of your convenience, you will get a vaccine according to its availability. 

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Where To Register for the COVID-19 Vaccine?

You must register for the vaccine only at the official portals that are available, that is, the CoWIN website or the Aarogya Setu app. Your local government hospital or community centre may also have a few on-spot slots but it is better to register beforehand so that you do not face any hassle.

Here is how you can register at the CoWIN website: 

  • Go to the CoWIN portal (
  • Check the availability of the vaccine by your pin code or your district.
  • Next, click on the “Register/Sign In Yourself” tab.
  • Enter a valid phone number and register using the OTP that will arrive on the number.
  • Once you reach the “Register for Vaccination” page, enter the relevant details. This includes the photo ID you will like to provide, name, age, gender, and phone number.
  • After submitting, click on “Register”. You will also receive a confirmation message on your registered mobile number.
  • Log in to the CoWIN website any time after that to book a slot. Once you enter your location, you will be shown the nearest available vaccination centres.
  • Choose a date of your convenience and you will receive a slot at a particular time. A confirmation message will also be sent to your registered phone number. 

Here is how you can register via the Aarogya Setu App:

  • Open the Aarogya Setu app and click on the “CoWIN” tab.
  • Click on “Vaccine Registration” and enter the desired mobile number. You will receive an OTP.
  • Enter the OTP and click on “Verify”.
  • On the “Register for Vaccination”, fill out the necessary details.
  • Click on “Schedule” when you want to get a vaccination appointment.
  • Select the vaccination center of your convenience from the list that will be provided.

You can register multiple people with the same phone number, at both these portals. You can log in anytime after registration to schedule an appointment. 


All the vaccines that have been approved in India have shown considerable results and efficacy. Both the Covaxin and the Covishield have been a good shot against the coronavirus. Therefore, it is better to get the vaccine as and when possible, without pondering over a choice. Maybe in the future when there are ample vaccines and many more people have been vaccinated, we might get a choice. However, now, in times of this crisis, it is better to get vaccinated as soon as possible. 

Also Read: Who Should Be Prioritized For COVID-19 Vaccination?

Guide To COVID-19 Vaccination - All Questions Answered

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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