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Can I Buy A Health Insurance Plan For Diabetes? Why Is It Important?

Health insurance specifically designed to cover the costs of treating and hospitalising people with diabetes. Other serious disorders including kidney failure, eyesight loss, and heart attacks can be brought on by high blood sugar levels brought on by inappropriate or inadequate insulin production in the human body.

Diabetes insurance shields you against the costs associated with conditions connected to diabetes. The personalised health insurance programme pays for pre- and post-hospitalization outpatient costs as well as hospitalisation costs. Additionally, you have the choice of choosing cashless or reimbursement claims. To find out about health insurance plans for diabetes, read on.

Can I Buy A Health Insurance Plan For Diabetes? Why Is It Important?

How Does Health Insurance For Diabetes Work In India?

Frequent hospitalisation owing to diabetic and non-diabetic issues is covered by diabetes insurance in India. Regular health insurance policies may contain a waiting time before covering a pre-existing condition and are not intended to cover such conditions. However, there are specialised insurance plans for diabetes that are just designed to deal with high blood sugar and related conditions.

Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes are often covered by insurance, however it is advisable to review the inclusions and exclusions prior to committing to a plan. Depending on your needs, you may also choose from Individual or Family Floater options.

In addition to hospitalisation, diabetic health insurance policies may also cover outpatient costs including doctor visits and diagnostic testing. You may also purchase personal accident insurance, which pays benefits in the event that the covered individual dies unintentionally.

What Are Some of The Health Insurance Plans Available For Diabetes?

Following are some of the health insurance plans available for diabetes -

  • Aditya Birla Diabetes Plan

This plan is an all-inclusive insurance plan including coverage for diabetes. It is intended for those who already have conditions like diabetes and hypertension. The maximum insured amount is Rs 2 crores.

Following are some of its features -

  1. This plan covers critical disease.
  2. It provides protection on both a personal and family floater basis.
  3. The coverage advantages include things like prescription drugs, diagnostic procedures, and medical consultation costs for serious conditions.
  4. In addition, it covers daycare operations including cataract surgery, hemodialysis, and chemotherapy, among others.
  • Care Freedom Health Insurance Plan

The coverage is offered as both a family and an individual floater. The insurance amount ranges from Rs 3 lakh to Rs 5 lakh under this Care critical illness plan.

Following are some of its features -

  1. Dialysis treatment is covered by this insurance policy. The maximum amount that may be claimed is Rs 1000 every session for a maximum of 24 months.
  2. Facilities for Diabetes health examinations are offered.
  3. This plan also includes coverage for cardiac health examinations.
  4. In accordance with the sub-limits, expenditures for knee replacement surgery and cataract surgery are indeed payable.
  • National Varistha Mediclaim Policy

The older adults in the 60–80 age range are covered by this senior citizen health plan. Both inpatient and outpatient hospitalisation costs are covered by this health insurance plan.

Following are some of its features -

  1. Diabetes and hypertension coverage is provided by this policy and is an optional feature.
  2. The plan also includes benign prostatic hyperplasia up to Rs 20,000 and cataract surgeries up to Rs 10,000.
  3. Hospital treatment at home is only covered up to 20% of the total amount insured.
  4. Nevertheless, it is not offered for diabetes treatment.
  5. Under the Policy, the coverage amount might range between Rs. 1 lakh and Rs. 2 lakh.
  • Star Health Insurance Plan

Anyone who has diabetes mellitus and is between the ages of 18 and 65 is eligible for coverage under this plan. The insurance covers the cost of the rent, nursing and boarding expenses, anaesthetist, surgeon, and medication costs.

Following are some of its features -

  1. The insurance covers hospitalisation costs related to diabetic complications.
  2. Additionally, this plan offers 100% personal accident coverage.
  3. Modern therapies are furthermore claimable with this coverage.


One of the most common illnesses in recent years is the chronic condition diabetes. However, adopting healthy behaviours and altering dietary habits can be done as preventative steps to avoid this chronic illness.

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This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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