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Buying Health Insurance? Keep These Things In Mind

The birth of a child is perhaps the most significant event in a parent's life. Parents must provide excellent health care for their children in addition to the fundamental costs of raising a child and giving a good education. This is because children require special attention from the time they are born till they reach their adolescence. Because newborn newborns' immunity is limited, thorough health monitoring and timely immunisation are essential for a healthy life. As a result, insurance experts advise searching for health insurance coverage that covers newborn newborns.
Inflation in the medical field is at an all-time high! Healthcare costs have skyrocketed as a result of it! In such circumstances, not having enough and proper medical insurance for oneself and one's family can be a significant financial burden. This is due to the fact that medical calamities strike without warning and have a depressing effect on one's morale, to just not mention the financial instability they entail. Having medical insurance in India might be really beneficial in this situation! It will protect you from exorbitant medical bills and provide you with access to high-quality healthcare. To get to know about the factors that a person should keep in mind while purchasing health insurance, read on.

Buying Health Insurance? Keep These Things In Mind

Why Employer’s Insurance Is Not Enough?

Many occupations come with the extra benefit of employer-provided health insurance. Employees seldom study or evaluate these plans and their advantages because such a requirement is already embedded into the contract and has a low likelihood of rejection. Employer-provided health insurance plans are often master policies that cover all workers within a business. While these employer-sponsored health insurance plans are beneficial, they are not always sufficient.

1. Number of people covered - Employer health insurance policies are often group insurance policies that solely cover the employees of a company. They may or may not encompass the employees' dependents (spouses, parents, children, and so on).

2. Copay clauses - The fundamental point of buying medical insurance in India is to have as much coverage as possible against medical bills. This is not the case, however, with business health insurance. They are designed to pay just a portion of your overall medical expenses; you will be responsible for the remainder.

3. Employment Status - Firm health insurance only covers a person while they are employed by the company. When their work is terminated (for whatever reason), their health insurance coverage will be cancelled as well.

4. Post-retirement coverage - One of the most significant drawbacks of a company's health insurance policy is that this does not incorporate post-retirement coverage, which is exactly what everyone requires. Medical difficulties and the associated financial burden rise with age, as do health insurance premium costs.

5. Room rent limit - A room rent restriction provision is also included in company health insurance policies, which means that only a portion (about half the entire value) of the room rent is reimbursed by the policy. The provision solely covers the cost of hotel occupancy and excludes any additional expenses for anything else within the building (doctor or nurse care etc.).

6. Overall effective cover - Another disadvantage of employer medical insurance in India is the limited coverage it provides. If all terms & conditions are met, the overall financial coverage ranges between Rs. 1.5 lakhs and Rs. 2 lakhs, which is not really enough in the event of a significant medical problem or long-term hospitalisation.
Apart from the foregoing, another feature of employer health insurance policies is that they are provided to employees as part of their benefits package. This health insurance is still not constitutionally protected, and it can be altered or cancelled at any moment by the employer, with no legal consequences. As a result, having a main health insurance policy (private policy) to fall back on is always a good idea, and treating employer-provided insurance plans as a supplementary cover is usually a good idea.


Health emergencies strike without warning and can be financially draining. These can sometimes put people in debt and have an impact on their future earning potential. That's why it is critical that you should not simply get health insurance for the sake of having it.

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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