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Breathlessness, Fatigue After COVID-19 Recovery Can Be Signs of Heart Disease: Indian Doctors

The Indian doctors have noticed cardiac issues in patients even after three months of recovery from Covid-19 infection. The more prominent symptoms that are persistent among coronavirus recovered patients even after months of recovery are difficulty in breathing, body fatigue, and sweating. As per Dr. Rajneesh Kapoor, Vice-Chairman at Department of Interventional Cardiology at Medanta Hospital and a Punjab Rattan Award Winner, relating these symptoms always as a consequence of Covid-19 infection may actually be misleading. He informs that evaluation of patients for detailed cardiac check-up should always be done. 

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Dr. Kapoor states that coronavirus may mainly affect the respiratory infection, but it has also been noticed to cause inflammation in different parts of the cardiovascular system, right from heart muscles to blood supplying arteries. He shared that in his large experience of treating coronavirus patients at the Medanta Hospital, 10% of Covid-19 treated patients were found out to be struggling from serious heart dysfunctions. In fact, it has also been noticed that patients treated for coronavirus manifest cardiac complications months after recovery. Dr. Kapoor informed that one rare presentation of complete heart block, slow heart rate requiring pacemaker was encountered in two patients almost two months after getting recovered from Covid-19.

It must be noted that patients suffering from blood clot formation and endothelium issues are disposed to a higher risk of suffering a heart attack or stroke. Doctors suggest that after recovering from novel coronavirus disease, one must avoid exercising for 6 to 8 weeks and gradually restart it, beginning with walks.

Doctors believe that patients can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease-related mortality by being careful and recognizing the signs and symptoms. If required, they should undergo an ECG test so that any relation of the symptoms with the heart can be found out. 

According to experts, most heart-related diseases are completely treatable provided that timely medical attention is given. 

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Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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