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Best Super Top Up Health Insurance Plans In The Market

Health insurance plans are a vital and wise investment that must be made as soon as you start earning. A basic health insurance plan protects you against the high medical expenditures that can incur during hospitalization at the time of a medical emergency. Such plans are comprehensive and affordable but can be insufficient for people suffering from critical disorders or people above the age of 60 years as their cost of treatments are higher than usual. To help the customers overcome the high medical expenses there are top up and super top up health insurance plans in the insurance market.

Super top up health insurance plans cover the multiple claims made by the customers in a policy year, while a top up cover deals with a single claim made in a policy year. This plan is highly beneficial for senior citizens and people suffering from critical diseases as they have to visit the hospital frequently and claim a policy more than once to deal with the medical dues. It works on the multiple hospitalization basis and covers the bills that exceed the threshold limit of the base plan.

Best Super Top Up Health Insurance Plans In The Market

Best Super Top Up Health Insurance Plan

Following are some of the best super top up health insurance policies that are commonly bought by the customers in the insurance market:

1. Max Bupa Health Recharge

With a coverage of up to Rs. 95 Lakhs, this is one of the most affordable super top up health insurance plans. It looks after your medical expenses after the exhaustion of the base health insurance plan and comes with features like lifetime renewability of services, pre and post hospitalization costs, ambulance charges, personal accident cover, critical illness cover, etc.

Must Read: What are Top-up and Super Top-up Health Insurance Plans?

2. HDFC Ergo My Health Medisure Super Top Up Plan

This super top up plan ensures complete protection against medical expenses after the exhaustion of the basic health insurance policy. Under this cover, you can get additional discounts on additions of new members in the plan and on purchasing a long term health insurance cover of 2 years. People under the age of 55 years need not go through a pre medical healthcare checkup before buying this plan and it offers features like lifetime renewability option, hospitalization expenses, etc.

3. Care Enhance Super Top Up Plan

This super top up plan covers the expenses when your base plan falls short. It enhances the coverage of your existing plan at an affordable premium rate and offers free healthcare checkups, experts opinions, etc.

4. Bajaj Allianz Extra Care Plus

This super top up health insurance plan by the Bajaj Allianz Health Insurance firm is a comprehensive plan with policy tenure ranging from 1 to 3 years. It comes with an assured sum of money from Rs. 10 Lakhs to Rs. 25 Lakhs and can be bought by a customer of age 91 days to 80 years.

5. Chola MS Super Top Up Plan

This super top up plan is available for customers of age ranging from 3 years to 70 years and it is an affordable plan with guaranteed sum of money ranging from Rs. 3 Lakhs to Rs. 25 Lakhs and deductible limit of Rs. 50,000 to Rs. 1 Crore. The policy tenure for this plan is 2 to 3 years and it can be claimed multiple times in a policy year.


Super top up plans are comprehensive, cost-effective and exclusive as it can look after the medical dues of multiple claims made by the customers, unlike the top up health insurance plans. The above mentioned super top up plans are commonly bought in the insurance market but you must always do your part of the research and choose a plan based on your choices and requirements. You must invest in a policy that includes all your demands at a good price. The super top up plans are cheaper than regular health insurance policies and they add extra value to your base plan.

Also Read: Top Up vs Super Top Up Health Insurance Policy

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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