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Best Maternity Health Insurance Plans In India

Health insurance policies are meant to provide financial aid to the individuals against all types of diseases. There are various types of health insurance plans like critical illness plans, maternity benefit plans, personal accident covers, and a lot more that insure the customers against a particular disease. These plans can be either bought as separate health insurance covers or it can be included as additional plans under the base health insurance covers of the individuals. Maternity benefits plans are meant to cover the medical expenses of the customers that incur during the birth of a newborn baby. Maternity plans must be bought as early as possible to get over the waiting period of the plan and enjoy its benefits at the time of the claim settlement process.

Giving birth to a child is one of the most blissful moments in a parent’s life and as a parent, you do not want to take any chances that concern the mother or the baby’s health. At the time of the delivery of the child, there are several complications that can occur risking the mother and the child, therefore to pass that stage smoothly you must do everything in your power like covering them under a suitable maternity benefit plan. Medical complications that arise at the time of giving birth to a baby need immediate medical attention and, therefore hospitalization becomes a necessity. At such times, you need to be present as moral support for the mother and the child, instead of stressing over the medical dues that can incur during the treatment. Investing in a maternity health insurance cover gives you the relief of being there for your family without worrying about monetary issues.

Best Maternity Health Insurance Plans In India

Best Maternity Health Insurance Plans In India

Following are some of the best maternity health insurance plans that can be bought to secure the health of the mother along with the newborn baby at the time of hospitalization:

1. Aditya Birla Activ Health Premium Enhanced Plan

This health insurance plan by Aditya Birla health insurance company is a comprehensive and affordable maternity benefit plan that compensates for the medical expenses that incur during the delivery of a newborn baby. It provides financial aid to the customers for expenses like medical treatments, medications, vaccinations, lawful termination of pregnancy, and much more. The claim amount that can be availed under this plan ranges from Rs. 2 Lakhs to Rs. 2 Crores. Specific amount is rolled out to customers for the expenses of the newborn baby.

Must Read: Top 4 Factors To Keep In Mind While Buying Maternity Insurance

2. Bharti AXA Smart Super Health Insurance Plan

This maternity benefit plan is available in three different variants for the customers to choose from according to their needs and requirements. The cover for the newborn baby under this plan is available only for 90 days from the date of birth of the child. There is a waiting period of 9 months on this plan during which the claims cannot be made by the customers. The range of claim amounts also differ from one variant of the plan to the other. However, the customers get the flexible option of customizing their plans based on their choices.

3. Care Health Joy Health Insurance Plan

This is one of the most suitable maternity benefit plans for the policyholders who are soon planning to embrace the new joy of parenthood. With a waiting period of 9 months this maternity benefit covered by Care Health Insurance is comprehensive and cost-effective. The assured sum and waiting period of the plan can differ according to the variants of the plan chosen by the customers.

4. Bajaj Allianz Health Guard Family Floater Cover

This health insurance plan covers the expenses of both the mother and the newborn baby. With the claim amount ranging from Rs. 3 Lakhs to Rs. 50 Lakhs, this plan provides a good and transparent deal to the customers to protect their loved ones under this cover.


Apart from the above-mentioned plans there are several other maternity benefit options that can be considered before investing in a particular health insurance plan. Also, you must always go through the policy papers before claiming a policy cover.

Also Read: When To Buy A Maternity Health Insurance Plan?

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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