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Benefits of Top Up Health Insurance Policy

A health insurance policy can be supplemented with an additional cover to enhance the features of the existing plan. The benefits of a standard health insurance plan can be insufficient in meeting the requirements of the customers in case of critical diseases, pre-existing diseases, etc. To help the customers overcome the high costs of treatment that exceed the sum assured of the base plan, the health insurance providers have rolled out top up health insurance plans which come into force after the expenses exceed the threshold limit. These plans are cheaper than regular health insurance covers and help the customers to ensure quality treatment at the private hospitals without worrying about the money.

A top up health insurance cover compensates for a single medical claim made by the policyholder in a policy year, after the expenditures have exceeded the deductible limit of the standard health insurance policy. These plans can be bought for senior citizens and people suffering from critical diseases to make sure that there is enough money to look after their medical dues. This type of health insurance cover adds extra value to the existing plan and provides a peace of mind to the customers regarding the financial aid for the medical treatments.

Benefits of Top Up Health Insurance Policy

About Top Up Health Insurance Cover

A top up health insurance policy is an extension of the mediclaim policy which comes into force after the medical expenses have exceeded the threshold limit or the deductible limit of the existing basic health insurance plan. This plan works on the basis of a single hospitalization claim as it can consider only one claim in a policy year. Anyone with the age ranging from 18 to 80 years can invest in this plan and its premium rate is determined on the basis of the deductible limit. A top up plan looks after the medical dues like pre and post hospitalization charges, in-patient costs, domiciliary expenses, room rents, ambulance charges, healthcare checkups, consultation fees, etc. Other features of this plan can differ from one insurer to the other.

Must Read: Best Super Top Up Health Insurance Plans In The Market

Key Benefits of A Top Up Health Insurance Plan

Let us look at some of the common benefits that can be availed by the policyholder on the purchase of a top up health insurance policy:

  • This health insurance plan can be easily converted to a base health insurance cover.
  • If the parents are included under a top up plan, then the children can be included too.
  • There are no sub-limits on the hospitalization expenses under this plan like the room rents, doctors fees, etc.
  • Some insurers also offer family discounts to the customers on the addition of the family members under this plan. You can buy it either on an individual basis or on a family floater basis.
  • Starting from the date of purchase of the policy, the customers get a free look period of 15 days to go through the policy related documents.
  • For every claim free year, no claim bonus and cumulative bonus is offered to the policyholders under the top up health insurance plans.
  • The policy tenure can range from 1 to 3 years depending on the insurer.
  • No pre medical checkups are required up to a certain age as specified by the insurance provider.
  • Lifetime renewability of services are provided on the policy covers to let the customers renew the top up plan with the same set of benefits.
  • Tax deduction benefits are also offered to the policyholders who are also the taxpayers under the Section 80D of the Income Tax Act.
  • You can buy a top up health insurance plan, even if you don't have a base health insurance policy.
  • A top up plan can be bought from any health insurance provider. It is not necessary to buy a top up plan from the same insurer who offered you the base health insurance plan.


Considering the above mentioned benefits, you can invest in a top up health insurance policy after carefully analyzing your needs and requirements. You must research the different plans available and compare them before investing in a suitable top up health insurance cover.

Also Read: Top Up health Insurance and Mediclaim Policy Cover

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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