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Benefits of Having a Large Number of Network Hospitals

The hospitals on the list that you may use without paying out of pocket are referred to as "network hospitals." "Non-network hospitals" are hospitals that do not have any partnership with the insurer and where you cannot avail cashless hospitalisation treatment. . Hospitals that have partnered  with an insurance provider are termed as network hospitals. 

Benefits of Having a Large Number of Network Hospitals

What are Network Hospitals?

The network of hospitals that the insurance company partners with is one of the most intriguing aspects of health insurance policies. The medical facilities cooperate with your health insurance provider. When you purchase health insurance, you also receive the policy copy, terms and conditions, and a list of hospitals. At any of these hospitals, you can receive care without having to pay. All we can think about in a medical emergency is getting the patient to the hospital as quickly as possible so that the treatment can begin.

It takes time and it is hard to get the money together at this critical period when every second counts. The fundamental advantage of network hospitals is the simplicity of patient admission and the absence of financial concerns. A hospital that your insurance provider does not mention is known as a "non-network hospital." You will be obliged to pay the full cost of care if you decide to visit a hospital outside of your network before your health insurance reimburses you.

How Do Network Hospitals Operate?

The reimbursement claim procedure is the conventional means of receiving the sum guaranteed when a claim is lodged. The policyholder will be responsible for paying the hospital expenses initially in this scenario. After the policyholder submits the invoices and supporting documentation, the insurance company will subsequently repay the payment in accordance with the sum promised. 

This procedure takes a long time and involves plenty of documentation. The policyholder is left with a significant hole in pocket from having incurred expenditures if a claim is refused. You will have to go through this drawn-out claim procedure if you visit a hospital that is not in your network. To make this procedure simple, insurance firms offer "cashless claim process."

Usually, the nation's top hospitals have agreements with insurance providers. Depending on the terms of the policy, the insurance provider may pay the hospital directly if a patient seeks treatment at a network hospital. The policyholder won't have to worry about how to pay the hospital fees in the event of a medical emergency. So that they won't have to waste time looking for a network hospital in an emergency, the person who purchases the coverage can review the list of network hospitals in advance.

How Can You Choose the Best Network Hospital?

Finding the top network hospitals may seem like a daunting procedure, but it isn't at all. Selecting the ideal network hospital is simple. All you have to do is compile a list of every hospital in your city that accepts your insurance. You may accomplish this by visiting the insurance company's website or by using the policy paperwork.

If you can't locate a list of network hospitals in your region, call your insurance provider immediately and ask them to provide you with the list. Once you get the list, thoroughly research each hospital on it, taking into account factors such as proximity to your house, services offered, doctors on staff, cost, reputation, ratings, etc. Always have your cashless medical card with you. The significance of network hospitals to health insurance cannot be overstated.


Network hospitals deliver high-quality medical care swiftly and without the inconvenience of delivering paperwork and invoices. As a result, those who have health insurance frequently select them. In a network hospital, the insurance company pays the hospital's expenses directly, so the patient is not responsible for them. Not needing to double-check bills before paying them also saves time and hassle. It's preferable to select a cashless hospital in advance to avoid delays if you need to visit the hospital right away.

Also Read: Comparison Between Health Insurance and Term Insurance


This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.
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