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Benefits of Group Health Insurance Plans For Employers

Health insurance plans are important for everyone as it protects individuals against high costs of treatment and ensures quality treatment at the time of a medical emergency. There are different types of health insurance plans in the market that can be bought according to a person’s requirements. Some of the commonly bought health insurance plans are individual health insurance covers, family floater plans, group health insurance plans, maternity benefit plans, etc. You must analyze your requirements before investing in a suitable health insurance plan to make sure that it bears fruits at the time of the claim settlement process.

Group health insurance plans are bought by the employers for their employees to make them feel valued at the workplace. These health insurance plans are bought for a large group of people working under a company, organization, or employer. This plan is bought in the name of the company or the organization and it does not require pre medical health checkups of the policyholders before buying a policy. Some employers deduct a certain amount from the CTC of the employees to pay it as the premium of the health insurance plan.

Benefits of Group Health Insurance Plans For Employers

About Group Health Insurance Plans

A group health insurance plan is a health insurance plan bought by an employer, company, or organization for its employees. It is meant to cover the medical expenses of the employees and their families under a single health insurance plan. It does not provide tax benefits to the employees and it also does not require pre-medical healthcare checkup before the policy is bought. Employees can avail the benefits of a group health insurance plan as long as they are a part of the company. The coverage of a group health insurance cover may not be enough for the treatment of a critical illness, therefore it is advised to invest in a suitable critical illness plan in such a case.

Must Read: Tax Benefits In Health Insurance

Features of A Group Health Insurance Cover

Following are some of the common features of a group health insurance plan which can be availed by the policyholders after purchasing a particular plan:

  • You can get cashless claim benefits on your purchased health insurance plan at the network hospital of the insurer.
  • You can get compensation for domiciliary hospitalization, pre and post hospitalization expenses, maternity related expenses, critical illness cover for specific diseases, and a lot more.
  • Financial aid is provided for hospitalisation in less than 24 hours for treatments like eye surgery, chemotherapy, etc.
  • This health insurance plan is slightly cheaper than other health insurance plans.
  • It includes family protection for the employees under which the family members like spouse, children, and dependent parents are included.
  • You can make instant and easy claims on your health insurance plans.

Benefits of Group Health Insurance Plans For Employers

Employers buy a group health insurance plan for their employees to make sure that they do not face any financial issues at the time of medical emergency. Let us look at the list of benefits that can be availed by the employer on a group health insurance plan:

  • Retention of Employees

With a lot of jobs available in different fields, retention of employees has become a difficult task, and therefore perks and facilities like group health insurance plans help the employer in holding on to their employees for long.

  • Tax Benefits

Tax deduction benefits of the group health insurance plans are provided to the employer as the policy is bought in the name of the company or the employer.

  • Value To Employees

Providing the employees with group health insurance plans makes them feel valued at the workplace and it motivates them to work harder and offer the maximum of their human potential.

  • Low Cost Benefits

Group health insurance plans provide an extensive coverage to the employees at a low cost to the beneficiaries.


Group health insurance plans provide wide and comprehensive coverage to the policyholders at an affordable price. You must carefully read the policy terms to be aware of the inclusions in your policy cover.

Also Read: Benefits of Group Health Insurance Policy for Employees

Disclaimer: This article is issued in the general public interest and meant for general information purposes only. Readers are advised not to rely on the contents of the article as conclusive in nature and should research further or consult an expert in this regard.

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