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Bajaj Allianz General Insurance Takes a Step Ahead in Securing People's Health

Bajaj Allianz General Insurance has introduced an interactive mobile ad which uses real-time weather AP and augmented reality. The highly interactive mobile-led ad campaign will spread awareness among the users about bad air quality and health insurance products. This will easily lead them to possible solutions for the diseases occurred due to bad air quality. 

Apart from headaches, dizziness, nausea, etc., air pollution can have long term effects on people’s health too. The best possible way to fight the adverse effects of air pollution is to timely seek a comprehensive health insurance policy. Which is why Bajaj Allianz has come up to inform the individuals about the health insurance products offered by the insurer which covers these ailments.    

The ad is created through a collaboration of LogicserveDigital and mCanvas, and informs the users about the Air Quality Index in their locality. 

Learning from the brief of the concept explained by the insurer, the creative asks the users if they were aware of the level of pollution the city was suffering from. If the user gets engaged in the creative, it will enable them to find out the quality of the air around them by switching on the camera and displaying AQI of user’s city at the same time, with the help of real-time weather API so that bad air quality can be highlighted. 

Next on the screen will be information on the effects of pollution on health which will urge the users to swipe on their screens searching for a solution. Lastly, on the screen comes insurance cover offered by Bajaj Allianz General Insurance as the need of the hour to fight the harmful effects of pollution. 

With this, a ‘Buy Now’ CTA will direct the users to the landing page where they can find the rest of the information about the product.    
The CMO of Bajaj Allianz General Insurance, Chandramohan Mehra says, “The air quality issue made us think that how important it is to advocate the importance of health insurance to the audience who were facing this problem. We wanted to do this in a novel and timely manner. This technology-driven ad campaign did in fact, drive home the objectives we had in mind while keeping the users informed about the air quality around them via an interactive ad format.”

The campaign has reached more than 1.9 million users and is enjoying CTR (Click-Through-Rate) of 1.5%, which is 7 times the average for mobile banners i.e. 0.20%. On the creative, users engagement has been seen of more than 8 seconds on average. 

Looking at the adverse weather condition across the country, Bajaj Allianz was aiming towards promoting their own health insurance plan. The insurer wanted to connect the dots between pollution, how it affects health and the requirement of health insurance.    

Through the ad, the users will be able to easily choose the most suitable health insurance plan for themselves to combat the situation. 

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